Chapter Five

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"Good morning." Su Yuli's face changed in a second. He slowly swallowed, put on his slippers then went downstairs and sat down opposite Lin Suiyan.

The breakfast was very rich. Su Yuli picked up a soup dumpling and ate it.

When Su Yuli was almost done eating, Lin Suiyan asked, "Is there anything you want to do? I'll accompany you."

Su Yuli lowered his head and held his chopsticks, with a playful look in his eyes.

In the book, Lin Suiyan and Wen Jin stayed in their room for a few days after they'd gotten married, making the readers groan. But now, Lin Suiyan shouldn't be in that mood.

After all, he didn't even accompany his legal partner on their wedding night, how could he expect Lin Suiyan to spend his honeymoon with him?

Su Yuli also didn't want to face Lin Suiyan's hypocritical face. He put down his chopsticks and said, "Since you're busy at the company and I'm at home alone, I'll just go back to school."

It wasn't winter or summer vacation. Su Yuli felt relieved in his heart, if it had been then he really didn't know how he would have stayed away from Lin Suiyan.

Lin Suiyan nodded when he heard the words, and said with great relief: "Well, you are a student, so you should focus on your studies."

Seeing Lin Suiyan's serious look of concern, Su Yuli couldn't help rolling his eyes. He thought in his heart, so you still know that Wen Jin is a student, yet you still recruited and harmed him. What a scumbag.

Lin Suiyan noticed that Su Yuli looked different, and said warmly: "What's the matter, did I say something wrong?"

Su Yuli immediately shook his head. He bent his eyes and smiled very well-behaved and harmlessly: "It's nothing, it's just when you talk like that it reminds me of my older brother."

Su Yuli sat up straight and put a serious look on his face. He deliberately lowered his voice and said: "Xiao Jin, study hard, and come to the company to help big brother after graduation."

When Su Yuli was reading the book, he always saw the shadow of his own older brother in Wen Qi. It made him wonder if all older brothers were the same.

It was precisely because of this that when he talked about Wen Qi, his demeanor and actions were very natural, without any trace of acting at all.

Lin Suiyan was amused by Su Yuli and said, "What your older brother said is very reasonable."

After Lin Suiyan finished speaking, he glanced at his watch and pushed the shrimp dumplings in front of Su Yu: "Class is at eight o'clock, you still have time. You can eat at ease, and I will take you to school later."

Su Yuli was a little surprised that Lin Suiyan knew about his lessons today. He was still confused himself so he was going to check it out later.

But after thinking about it, Su Yuli understood that Lin Suiyan had made a lot of effort to pursue Wen Jin. He must know exactly when Wen Jin is in class and when he is out of class. It's not surprising.

Su Yuli didn't want to stay with Lin Suiyan at all. As soon as he saw Lin Suiyan's face, he would think of that stupid book and the various difficulties and dangers he might encounter in the future. It was a double torture.

Su Yuli said: "No need, I'll go by myself. You're busy with work, so I won't take up your time."

Lin Suiyan insisted: "That's okay, I'll send you."

Lin Suiyan smiled softly but Su Yuli interpreted it differently.

There must be a lot of eyes watching such a wealthy marriage. If the Lin family's crown prince personally sent his lover to class on the second day of his wedding, it would make their relationship look so good that it'd be enviable.

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