Marry Me?

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It's been 4 months since the wedding, and 4 months since my argument with Scott. It hasn't been easy.
Chrissy's hell bent on trying to make things right with me, and I'm just not having it. She thinks because I'm with Mason now just makes everything better, therefore justifying her and Scott's marriage, which I think is complete bullshit.

Anyways, on to more....lighter news, me and Mason are stronger than ever, and we've decided to move in together 2 months ago. Not to mention, the mind-blowing sex we have every chance we get. I just can't get enough of this gorgeous gorgeous man.

I'm walking through the aisles getting groceries for the house since we're almost out.
The day is almost good until I bump into the last person I want to see.

"Zara. Hey girl. Long time no see."

I try to be as polite and cordial as I possibly can with a tight lipped smile "Chrissy."

I try to manouvere my way past her but she's trying to grab my attention at every turn.
"Chrissy, move out of my way." At this point I'm gradually losing my cool.

"Not until you listen to what I have to say"

"No, I will not have my day ruined by a homewrecker."

"Look, I'll leave you alone only if you come by for dinner tonight, you and your man. I just want to clear things out and move forward. If you still don't want this, I'll leave you alone."

On one hand, there's nothing I'd love more than to wring her neck, cause she's a constant reminder of my failed marriage, but on the other hand, I have nothing else to do, and this could turn out to be very interesting. So, why not?

"I'll ask him and get back to you. I'm not promising anything though."

"OWEMJIIIII, Scotty will be so happy that we'll have visitors. I'll send you the address."
She hurriedly gave me a bear hug and left.

I continued with my shopping and paid for my groceries and left.


"You seriously said yes to their dinner?" Mason asked me incredulously laughing hysterically.

"I never said yes, I just said I'll talk to you first "

"Let's go. It's been a while since we've gone to the circus anyways."

I looked at him shocked before bursting into laughter.

"Wh-wait- are you serious- right now?"

"Trust me, the last thing I wanna go is to go entertain your ex husband and his cheap smelling wife who happens to be your ex-best friend....but then again we're a weird ass couple and I'm actually curious to see where this night will end up."

"I swear, our kids are gonna have abnormal parents."
I said dramatically.

I looked back at him cause I didn't get a response from him, only to see him looking back at me lovingly.

"You know I love you, right? Like, a LOT, right?" He asked me.

"Of course baby, I do."

"Marry me?"

I gave him a ' wtf are you on about ' look.

He saw I didn't understand what he was saying so he walked on over to where I was sitting, pulled out a beautiful cushion cut 5 carat diamond ring, and bent on one knee.

"I know this is a very uhm....unexpected way of proposing to someone,- or anyone for that matter. But all I know is that I want you. I want you today, tomorrow, Heck I want you all the time baby. The past 5 months have been absolutely blissful with you, and normal people don't usually get married after 5 months, but I know that 5 months are enough to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am in love with you, and every single inch of you, even the parts that you feel insecure about. I feel honoured to be the man to help you become better and want to do better. I would be even more honoured to have you as my wife. So please My Love, will you marry me?"

At the end of his speech I was speechless, I was dumbfounded. I never wanted to get married again, or date, but meeting Mason at that club that night changed everything for me. He loved me in a way that not even Scott did. Everything he did, he made sure to consider my feelings, and he let me know that he loved me every second of every day. And I didn't mind. He makes me feel alive again, like I have a second chance at love again. And I don't see myself spending my life with anyone else apart from him.

"Look my love, I understand if it's too early or too soon for us, but I'm s-"

"Yes" a tear escaped my eye.


"Yes, yes I'll marry you Mason. I'll marry you a million times if I have to." I replied emotionally.

He jumped up and tackled me to the ground "thank you, thank you so much Baby. I promise to treat you like the Queen that you are." With that he slipped on my ring on my ring finger. It fit like a glove.
We shared a couple more moments just enjoying each other's embrace, saying ' I love you's' and passionate kisses.

He got up, and took my hand " Come on Love, let's go fuck shit up."

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