Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

It didn’t take Marcus long to come to his senses, but when he did he was full of regret. He couldn’t even say that she was to blame, he had kissed her back. Now she was looking at him with so much sadness in her eyes that he knew she felt the same guilt he did. It was a  moment of madness, she needed comfort and he had given her the wrong signals.

“I’m sorry,” he told her.

Paige shook her head it wasn’t his fault it was hers. She had wanted to get back at Seth, even though he wasn’t there she just did it to make herself feel better and it hadn’t worked. If anything it had made her feel a whole lot worse.

“Don’t be,” she reassured him, she couldn’t have him feeling guilty.

Marcus stood up and started pacing around, he couldn’t deny what that kiss had done for him. He hardly knew her, but already he was feeling things he shouldn’t have been feeling towards her. He had taken advantage of a position he had been put in by Seth, to look after her and instead he had kissed her. When Seth discovered the extent of his betrayal he was going to be beyond furious and Marcus could hardly blame him.

“I shouldn’t have kissed you, you were upset I took advantage of that,” he said angrily.

He wasn’t angry with her he was angry with himself, for his lack of self control. He was centuries old, he should have seen it coming, he had more than enough experience with women. He had watched them over the over the years go through so many different emotions, he had seen them when they were angry, when they were happy and when they were in need of a shoulder to cry on. That was exactly what she needed a shoulder to cry on and what did he do, he went and kissed her.

“He’s with her anyway, I don’t know what you’re feeling so guilty about!” Paige hissed.

It had felt wrong to be in another man's arms, to feel another man's lips on hers. The kiss was sweet, gentle and quite lovely really, but it wasn’t Seth and it didn’t matter how much she told herself that kiss felt good it was never going to compare to that bastard.

“What are you talking about?” Marcus asked in confusion.

Paige huffed and stood up, “Oh come on surely you have read my mind, Seth likes to have a snoop around my head!”

Marcus chuckled, but then it dawned on him. Seth could read her mind, he could hide his thoughts he had practised it for centuries but it wasn’t something she could master quickly, and that meant that Seth would find out the truth.

“I can’t read minds,” he told her with a smile.

Paige raised her eyebrows questioningly, “Oh, but...”

“But he can I know. What did you mean he’s with her?” he asked not wanting to go off the subject.

Paige nodded remembering what she had been talking about it, “April, he’s with her, he’s here with her and he’s turned her into a vampire. That’s why I was upset we had an argument,” she confessed.

Marcus’s panic rose, Seth was there. It didn’t even register in his mind what she had said about April he didn’t give a shit about that. All he was concerned with was Seth was out there, and he could have walked in at any moment and she had not warned him.

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