Chapter 17: We have to

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She loved cigarettes... more than life...

Christopher: (Extra long chapter coming up)

"It's been sixteen minutes." Ethan said, tapping his foot against the floor and staring at his phone. "I'm calling the womanhunt."

"Calm down." I rolled my eyes. "She'll be here soon- I'm sure she just got sidetracked by a cute dog or started arguing with cashier."

"I don't know..." he mumbled, "I feel like something is wrong..."

I opened my mouth to respond, but my ringtone cut me off. 'NO CALLER ID' was displayed on the screen. A drop of fear spread through me as I clicked the accept button. Issac motioned for me to put it on speaker.

I cleared my throat. "Hello?"

"Red Devil, how wonderful it is to meet you." A sweet, looking voice sighed. "I assume the rest of 'Hell's Angels' are with you?"

I tensed at my code name. "Who is this?"

She laughed, a sound that lacked joy or humour. "Telling you would take away half the fun. Now, I have something that I think you all are unable to live without."

"What, our phone chargers?" Caleb asked. Nick slapped him upside the head.

"What? No... I have a certain Arya McKenzie?"

"What?" I breathed out, a pit forming at the bottom of my stomach.

"Here, just to be nice, I'll put her on for you. Arya! It's your little friends!"

"ZIP IT WANNABE BARBIE!" An enraged voice screamed in the background.

"Yep that's definitely Skittle." I snorted.

"You know, for someone who's life depends on me, you're being awfully rude." Caller said breezily.

"Skittle? Hey, Skittle?" I called out. "You okay?"

"Just fine and dandy," I could hear the eye-roll, "it's not like I've been kidnapped or-"

"That's enough chatter!" Caller chirruped. "Now boys, I want you to hand over your businesses or else your pretty little friend dies. You have one week." The call ended and the silence that followed was the loudest I'd ever heard.

"This is bad," Caleb Martinez, master of observation, said. "Like, really really bad."

"What do we do, Issac?" I asked, ignoring my friend's remark.

He stood up and chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully, staring out of the window, "cash in every favour we are owed. Call the police and call Lucas- I'm sure he'll want to help."

"On it Boss," Ethan said, a dangerous determination glinting in his eyes, "we'll find her."

The room was charged with a newfound energy. The Hell's Angels- hey, I didn't chose the name, okay?- had a job to do and a person to find.


"We won't find her."

"Shut up!" I snapped, slapping Caleb upside the head.

"It's been four days," tears sprung to his eyes and he coughed and wiped them away, "it's like- it's like she's disappeared off the face of the earth."

"We will find her, Caleb." Nick said determinedly. "We have to." He added quietly.

I cleared my throat and tapped my foot against the floor incessantly. "Jess, have you found anything yet?"

"Patience is a virtue," the purple-haired girl growled, furiously typing in her computer with one hand. She slurped her drink through a straw and paused her assault on the keyboard long enough to adjust her glasses. "You haven't given me anything to go off on."

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