10.memories 🎥

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"Halstead, can you come talk to me real quick." Voight asked stepping out of his office. They had just gotten back from a bust and Lindsay gave a look to Halstead and he just shrugged. He straightened his gray v-neck and stood up from his desk.

"Sure thing." Voight disappeared back into his office and Jay followed him.

"Sit." Voight pointed to the chair across from his desk, but he himself stayed standing. Voight looked irritated, and Jay wasn't going to mess with the man when he was already pissy.

"What's up?" He lounged himself out in the chair so his knees almost touched Voight's desk.

"Why the hell did you think you could cover for my kid the other night. "

"She told you?" Jay was confused. Teddy was so scared Voight would somehow find out he couldn't imagine her admitting it to him.

"No. It was pretty easy to figure out though, that the almost sixteen year old living in my house had been drinking the night before."

"I'm sorry boss, I made her a deal. She was scared to face you, and I made her promise to never drink again."

Voight exhaled sharply and pulled his own desk chair out to sit down.

"You don't make deals with a child Halstead. You have to do what's best for them; in this case it would if been taking her home, so I could have a talk with her. You have to look into the best interests in the kid for the long run, you can't always be their friend."

"We had a talk. Before I even said anything she pledged that she would never do it again. I was just trying to instill some trust in her."

"She's been quiet lately, its like we've taken three steps back from where we were. What happened Saturday?"

"She just had a bad experience at practice. Just give her a few days and she should be back to normal. I talked it over with her."

"She better be."

" Are you going to tell her you know about the other night?" Halstead asked.

"I don't know. I kind of want to wait until she confesses."

"What if she never confesses?"

"Then she doesn't confess. I just want to make sure she knows that that's not acceptable."

"I'm pretty sure I got that point across to her."


"Can you try and keep my name out of this? Teddy has trust issues as it is."

"Yeah, but don't cut deals with my kid again, okay? I'm not trying to be an ass, it's just I want the best for her." Jay nodded his head and sat up.

"Sure thing Voight."

Voight rubbed his chin, as he watched Halstead stand up and walk out the door. He was puzzled, but it was about time for him to pick up Teddy from practice so he had to leave it at that.

" I have to go pick Teddy up. Erin, do you want to come with?" He announced walking out of his office and through the bullpen. Erin knew by the tone of his voice that it wasn't really a question. He stopped at her desk and she stood up.

"Yeah, let me grab my phone." The brunette grabbed her phone and stepped out in front of her desk. Voight placed his hand on the small of her back leading her down the steps to his SUV.

"Talk to me Erin." Voight demanded putting the car into drive.

"I told him, Hank. I pulled Bunny's husband away, and I told him that I was going to try to make a relationship with his wife, but there were no guarantees. I also told Mom that one more little slip up and she's gone. I don't need her in my life."

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