Chapter 6

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Leila POV

Oh god, why did I agree to this?

I know exactly why I agreed to it, because the second he touched me, any willpower I had about staying away from him for my sanity crumbled. My wolf was thrilled, all perky for the first time in a fortnight, just happy to get to spend some time in his presence and listening to his deep voice. Nervousness creeps in at the edges of my mind and I'm struggling to stay calm. Maybe he's worked out that he's my mate and he's going to reject me. I've sworn not to tell my family about meeting my mate, but I've added my mate himself to that vow as well, rightly, or wrongly. But could he have worked it out on his own? After seeing the devastating impact that his mate leaving has had on Rex over the last two weeks, I feel like getting in my car and driving away, anything to avoid that.

Worse than the hurt and pain Rex feels is the humiliation. He feels weak for not being able to just brush it off and get over it. He's locking himself away because he knows that everyone in the pack knows. He doesn't want the sympathetic glances, the whispers, the pity. For an Alpha male like Rex, particularly one as strong and private as him, the idea that everyone is talking about him and feeling sorry for him is horrifying. His pride is as wounded as his heart.

I make a pathetic attempt to improve my appearance in the bathroom, barely recognizing myself with my pale washed-out skin and sunken eyes. Rex isn't the only one who hasn't been sleeping. Our whole family feels this loss. Watching him lose weight and grow weaker in front of our eyes is scary. I never thought anything could harm my big, bad, brother. But a few words from a little female and he's been brought to his knees. I just pray he's strong enough to recover because the shell of a man that's in our packhouse is not my Rex. And I want my Rex back.

The second that I walk into the canteen, I spot his large muscular frame, leaning against a table, large arms crossed over his broad chest as he holds his coffee and waits. I nod to him in acknowledgment before joining the queue at the counter. I can smell his delicious scent before I feel his presence at my side, standing so close that I can't breathe.

"How about we go for a walk?" He suggests quietly, and his breath brushing across my neck sends shivers down my back. I nod enthusiastically, keen to get some fresh air rather than be surrounded by the heady scent of Marcus that seems to rob me of the ability to think straight. I pay for my drink and head towards the exit, ignoring the admiring glances Marcus is getting from my female colleagues as we push outside. I clench my fists to stem the wave of jealousy their interest causes in me. I take in a deep lungful of air and instantly feel a bit more relaxed, a little bit more like I can control myself and not rub my hands all over his muscly arms like I really want to. Really, really, want to.

"So, Marcus, what can I do for you?" I ask as we wander around to the park at the back of the hospital, walking side by side down a trail that meanders around the outside of the green area. He pauses for a second, before rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. He's nervous and it's kind of adorable, in an, I could still kill you with my bare hands, kind of way.

"I'm shit with words, Leila," he blurts out, as if that explains everything, and then sighs in frustration before trying again. "That night at the bar, I didn't explain myself." I feel the hurt from that evening again like it just happens, and I have to blink rapidly to keep my tears at bay.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Marcus. If you're not interested, you're not interested. I'm a big girl," I say, staring straight ahead and forcing my voice to stay steady while my wolf whimpers inside my head at the reminder of his change of heart. He growls a little and I look over to him, where his face is scrunched up as he frowns hard. It's like it's physically painful for him to have this conversation and my heart goes out to him a little. Not a lot though, I'm still mad that he is fighting the bond.

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