Chapter One

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I inherited the blood of a king's murderer.

His sins lingered almost seven decades later, as others now followed his example of removing an anointed monarch. My knees shook as I approached the most recent participant in regicide. I bowed, but not before I shivered under his scrutiny. His cold eyes seemed to see right into my soul. If he could order the death of a king, he wouldn't hesitate to crush a seventeen-year-old maiden. Nobody would stop him or question my death.

Because he was now the king.

"Lady Anne," he said, his sharp tone putting me on edge. "Welcome to Windsor Castle. I trust your trip was not difficult?"

I kept my head lowered. There was no way I could tell him that my trip was about as unpleasant as one could imagine. In a kingdom still tense from rebellions, it was hard to journey without fearing brigands. With the shadow of treason on my family, very few manors welcomed me as a visitor.

"Not at all, your Grace," I lied.

When I could finally raise my head, I took a better look at my surroundings. The great chamber of Windsor Castle had a chill, despite the crowd of jovial people. King Henry's banners draped from the walls, reminding me I was in the heart of danger. He sat high above everyone, observing me with a predator's cold indifference. Any moment he could attack and there was nothing I could do to stop him. Most maidens would have run the other way.

Not me. I had come here for a reason and wouldn't back down until I got what I needed. But I was grateful that I hadn't heeded my little sister Eleanor's pleadings to come along with me. She still had an idealized vision of court and believed that every king would be as just as Arthur. Never mind that England had no just king for decades. Eleanor was already withering without our mother. The frosty atmosphere here would destroy her.

"I am sorry for the loss of your mother," King Henry said, insincerity in each word. "I have prayed for her soul."

"Thank you, your Grace." I clenched my hands almost tight enough to draw blood. "She was ever your loyal subject."

He raised an eyebrow as if that were up for debate.

Fury ignited in my veins, and I fought to control my temper. If I showed any anger, I would botch this whole trip. This was a battle that I had to win. I needed him to think of me as a helpless child. Never mind that most women my age were married by now. My chestnut locks tumbled past my shoulders, loose in the way only allowed for a young maiden. Garbed in a borrowed gown of pure white, it evoked innocence and served as my armor. I might not be able to pick up a sword to fight for my cause, but I could use other means. Mama said women battled the same as men and I had never understood it until now.

I hadn't been around the king since I was younger. Now I studied him, hoping to find anything I could use to sway him. His face was wan and a few blemishes marked him. Gossip had it that he suffered worse skin diseases, concealed by his glittering robes. Most believed that Heaven punished him for executing an archbishop in the summer. Since still he lived, I didn't think Heaven had done a very good job. But Mama told me that wounded lions could be more dangerous than the healthy ones.

"You have to request something of me?" King Henry asked, getting straight to business.

"Yes, your Grace," I said. "If you please, my sister and I are in great need of your gracious patronage. Since my mother died, we have nothing. No home, no inheritance. We cannot afford our servants, and they've been staying with us out of loyalty."

An uncomfortable silence followed as King Henry tilted his head. After a few excruciating moments, he cleared his throat. "Perhaps if your brother had made wiser choices, you wouldn't find yourself in such terrible circumstances."

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