4⎮bad ideas

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As I entered the classroom, I hurriedly took my usual seat next to the window

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As I entered the classroom, I hurriedly took my usual seat next to the window. While Lauren sat next to me, Helen sat in front of us, right in front of me. We obviously often alternated seats so that neither of us would feel left out.

"You mean she insulted you? Who the fuck does she think she is?" said Helen, visibly displeased.

This girl had a tendency to swear while remaining polite. It was as disturbing as it was intriguing.

When I went back to Lauren after the altercation I had with my brother's group - one of them in particular - she kept asking me questions about what happened. And when Helen joined us a moment later, Lauren felt the need to tell her everything.

The thing is, I hadn't told her everything. I had explicitly not included my fight with Luke. Because, as much as it hurts me to admit it, he might have been right about something. I was hiding the truth from everyone. But the truth always came out. And my secret would soon sink with it.

"She's just a bitch. One more out there." Lauren added like it was obvious.

Helen began to protest weakly. "I didn't say that either."

"No, I know. I said it."

A small laugh escaped my lips. But before I could do anything, I froze. My whole body froze.

Lauren must have sensed the sudden tension in me, because she turned her gaze in my direction. So did Helen. And the gasps that escaped them were understandable, especially given what we were seeing.


Except that he wasn't alone.

Clinging to his arm like glue, Holly was not letting him go. They were smiling, happy and joyful. They looked almost in love. Almost.

Finding a place next to each other at the back of the classroom, they went to sit down while Holly's friends followed them close behind, chatting with Ethan's friends. Even their friends were getting along. And considering the flirting and excitement they had brought with them, I'd say some were doing way better than getting along.

My heart nearly dropped in my chest, not being able to stand the sight of this brightly colored, radiant scene.

"What the- " Helen began in a bewildered voice.

Turning my gaze away from the perfect couple, I redirected all of my attention to my friends.

If Helen's voice sounded totally confused, her face showed an expression of disgust. Lauren couldn't believe it either.

When I spoke, my voice sounded weak and sad. "He broke up with me."

Many emotions passed over their faces. Sadness. Annoyance. Disgust.

"For Holly." I added still weakly, not wanting to admit it all out loud. "They had been talking for a while and Ethan confessed everything to me when I caught a message from her. He swore to me that nothing had happened between them but..."

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