A new friend

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The next morning, I woke up feeling like I'd had one of the best sleep ever. I yawned and looked at the door as Jacob walked in with a tray in his hand. I started smiling because I knew what this was about? Can you say spoiled?

“Hey love, how are you feeling now?” Jacob asked, and I shrugged my shoulders while stretching my hands out.

“Better than I expected, thanks to you. Now, are you going to tell me what was in that remedy?” He shook his head, indicating that he won't spill his secret no matter what.

Placing the tray in front of me, I looked at the breakfast that was on it. all of my favorites, too. Pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon with French fries, and a cup of coffee. Hmm, where do I start? Do I need to brush my teeth first? I've always done that before eating, but this looks so delicious. I guess it wouldn't hurt to do it once.

I started stuffing my mouth with everything, I didn't even have an opportunity to chew as I was already swallowing and heading on to my next take. Now I could eat this and more because of snow, you'd have to say I was feeding two of us at the same time, so this is nothing to me. I stopped and looked up at Jacob after hearing a chuckle come from him, and I rolled my eyes.

“Ok, so your brothers, Landon and I are going hunting in the afternoon, we wanted some good meat on the table, so we won't be back until late.” My eyes became wide as I started to get excited.

“Can I go? Can I go? Please? I promise I'll be good.” He walked up to me and kissed me on my lips, silencing me from whatever I was about to say.

“You know that's out of the question, Arlo.” I scowled at him because I was angry.

“Don't look at me like that, you still have my gifts, so you need to start training first on how to control them before we can let you do anything like that because it's easy to lose control, and you might hurt someone.” Wow, way to be a buzzkill.

I guess he was right, but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad at him. He's turning into my brothers for crying out loud! I went back to eating without saying anything to him, giving him the silent treatment. He only shook his head and made his way to the bathroom. Bastard thinks he can control me. See what I mean, when I say I'm never allowed to do certain things? No wonder I'm always so rebellious.

'Don't you dare think about it.' Snow said, and I smiled innocently in return.

'I wasn't thinking about anything, honestly. I was only thinking about being able to spend more time with Micah since we were going to go and talk to Malachi.' He didn't believe me, but I guess he would just have to. After getting dressed, Jacob asked me if I was finished eating, and I nodded my head at him.

“You know you can't stay mad at me forever. I thought you would be happy that I'm spending time with your brothers.” He said while frowning at me.

“Yeah um yeah that's good. Bonding time and all.” I was distracted while thinking about how I was going to approach Malachi, so Jacob was looking at me like I was weird.

“Ok, I'm going to take this down then, be right back.” He kissed me on my forehead and left, so I decided to get out of bed and go do my usual bathroom routine. When I was done, I got dressed and made my way out while looking around and making sure no one was there. I then made my way to the room where I knew Malachi was staying and knocked on the door. A couple of seconds later, he answered it, and his eyes became wide when he saw me.

“Y-you're an omega too?” He asked, and I nodded my head while stepping in after he gestured for me to do so.

“Yeah, my name is Arlo.” I replied, and he nodded his head.

“I've been meaning to talk to you, but I didn't get the chance to. How are they treating you here?” I asked, and he smiled a little.

“I love it here, to be honest. Even this lady said she wanted to adopt me! She was saying how she would like to build a pack for omegas, so they can be treated like royalty there, and that I would have a brother called Jacob.” My eyes became wide as I took in everything he was saying.

“Jacob? He's my mate.” I whispered to him, and his mouth fell open.

“You'd be my brother too if she adopts me?” He asked, and I nodded my head.

“I've always wanted a sibling, now I'm going to get two.” I chuckled at how excited he was. I couldn't believe someone would mistreat him. He's so bubbly, I could just squeeze him and cuddle with him all day.

'Jacob wouldn't like that at all.' Snow said, and I agreed with him.

“I'm going to head back to my room because my mate doesn't know that I've stepped out. I'll visit you soon when I get the chance, it's nice to finally talk to you.” He nodded his head, and I left in a hurry so I could make it there before Jacob. Right as I jumped in bed, Jacob opened the door and gave me a confused look as if he thought I was crazy or something, so I just shrugged my shoulders and pretended like I didn't know what was going on. Safer that way, right?

“So I want you to stay in bed and rest up some more, the only time you'll leave is when you have to go to the bathroom but apart from that, stay in bed. I mean it this time Arlo, I'll punish you again if you disobey me.” I nodded my head while glaring at him because I couldn't believe he wanted me in bed all day like a lazy person when I should be out and about, roaming the pack land and looking for trouble. Who the hell does he think he is? Oh, right, my mate, but still.

“My warriors will be here to watch you and Micah just to ensure you don't get into any trouble, so whatever you are thinking, drop it.” He kisses me passionately before leaving me in the mood for some sexy time. Gosh, when did I become so needy? A couple of minutes later, I heard a knock on the door, and Micah walked in with a scowl on his face.

“What's wrong with you now?” I asked, and he sighed and got in bed next to me.

“Landon is trying to tell me what to do! All the time.” I chuckled and took up the remote and turned the tv on.

“Let's watch SpongeBob.” He started to settle down at the mention of SpongeBob, since we were both suckers for it. ATLA, SpongeBob, Kung Fu Panda, Tom, and Jerry, you name it. They are all we sometimes watched when we weren't getting into trouble. After finding an episode, we both enjoyed band geeks so much we couldn't get enough of it. We spent most of the time in bed without a care in the world until we both decided that enough was enough.

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