Chapter 7: Hesitate

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Cole's POV

It had been a week since Isabella had agreed to marry me.

I was definetly over the moon.

Hearing her whisper that soft 'yes' had done something to me. With her words, she had plucked my heart out of my chest, and it was her possession, without her knowing it.

Currently, me and my family were sitting in her living room, waiting for her to come down. Our parents were chatting happily among themselves.

My brother and his wife, along with their daughter, were also here. Little Lily was on my lap, looking at my hands with her doe eyes.

Soon, I heard her heels click against the floorboards, as she descended down.

Looking at the goddess before me, I barely responded to my brother who had been talking to me and trying to catch my attention.

A soft gasp escaped my mouth, as I looked at her attire. She wore dark blue colored jeans with a skin colored top which was sleeveless. A silver necklace was clasped around her neck, highlighting her collar bones. Her hair was left open, and those little strands fell on her face, making my hands itch, to put them behind her ears.

I, of course would have, if our parents and Lily were not here.

I gave a soft smile as she sat next to me.

"Whipped." I heard Evan whisper loudly, but only for our ears to hear. I shot him a glare, making him laugh out loud.

"You are pretty. " Lily spoke, before anyone could speak. Bella looked at her with a soft smile.

"Thank you. You are beautiful too. "

"Really?" Lily asked grinning widely.

"Yes. Your pink dress is super cute." She said bending a little. This time, her face was near my chest, and her body had scooted closer. I bet she could hear the loud sounds my heart was making.

The day in the cafe was the last when I had seen her face to face. After that, it had just been some phone calls.

"I like you, Izzy. Xavi didn't call me beautiful." She said, pouting her pink lips, making Bella let out a chuckle.

"Hey! I did compliment you. Who told you that you look like an angel? And first of all, who brought this dress? " I asked, acting offended.

Lily stretched out her hand to Bella and leaned towards her, completely ignoring me. Bella held her and made her sit on her lap.

The two of them looked beautiful, as they chatted amongst themselves.

"Let's talk about the marriage now, shall we? " Luke, Bella's father asked, smiling at Lily.

And again the parents were talking deeply, leaving me and Bella to talk to each other.

Lily jumped down from Bella's lap and ran to her mother who was sitting on the opposite couch.

"Hi. " I said not knowing how to start.

She muttered a small 'hi' in return with a cute blush on her cheeks.

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off as my mother spoke to us.

"-we could have a grand wedding. What do you guys think? "

Everyone nodded, happily chattering about the upcoming wedding.

I looked to my side to notice Bella fidgeting in her seat.

"You should voice out your opinion, Bella." I told looking at her. She was looking down, at her lap and playing with her fingers.

"I-I don't want a huge wedding." She looked up at me. "I mean, I don't want the media to know about it. Atleast for a few months. I want us to have our privacy." She said and looked down again.

Everyone grew silent for a while, pondering over it.

I smiled softly at her.

"If that is what you wish, I have no problem. "

Her head tilted up at me, with such force that I heard a loud crack.



"If that is what you both want, then we don't have any objections. Let's go dress shopping tomorrow. The wedding will be held in a month. " My father said, with a small smile.

"Isn't it too fast? " I asked, raising a brow.

"It's not fast, honey. There's still one more month to go. Let's start planning." Mom said, excitedly.

"I think it's you who is getting married, mom." I said, laughing out loud.

"I wish, though. " She muttered, causing everyone to laugh.

I looked at her amused, while Bella chuckled softly.

We spoke amongst us about random things.

After dinner we left their house, agreeing to meet up in the store tomorrow, for the dresses.

As soon as I reached my room, I took out my phone and called her.

"Hello? " Her soft voice spoke from the other side.

"Hi! " I said, a little breathless, and fell on the bed, removing my coat and tie.

I had been wearing a suit as I had come directly from the office.


We talked for another hour about the upcoming wedding.

We had decided that we would have a small wedding with only our close ones. And we had also promised that we would have a huge wedding after some months, when Bella would agree and be ready, until then we would keep us a secret.

The wedding would be held in California. That way, we could keep the usual media who follow me, away.

We said our good nights and I dozed off, dreaming about my Bella.


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