14. Giving In

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"How do you know the way to my house? I haven't given you my address as far as I remember." Cobie glances back and forth at Luke and the road.

"I believe you have mentioned which suburb you lived in some time ago." Luke shrugs. "I swear I never stalked you if that's what you think."

"Your attention to detail is...intimidating."

Luke chuckles while his eyes remain fixed on the road. The sun is about to set, but the thick clouds hang quite low in the sky, making the street darker than it should. "I take that as a compliment."

"You can, but I need to be careful with what I say in front of you from now on."

"And what you write."

Cobie groans. "Are you sure you don't want to be a detective instead of a Marketing consultant?"

"Isn't it too late to change careers now?"

"Vera Wang started her career in fashion when she hit forty." Cobie shrugs. "And, Colonel Sanders! He franchised his company at the age of sixty-two."

"Very inspiring," Luke says in a flat tone. "But yeah, I remember every single thing you said and wrote, Evans."

Feeling the uninvited heat creeping up her cheeks, Cobie turns her head to look at the view through the passenger's window. "Do you mean after I accidentally sent that email?"

It takes several seconds before Luke replies, "You have no idea, have you?"

Cobie cocks her head to look at him again. The golden street light illuminates his sharp eyes, his straight nose, and the curve of his lips that makes him look like he always smirks all the time. "What idea?"

The man shakes his head. "Never mind."

"No, I do mind. What idea?"

"I'm gonna scare you off if I tell you."

"Too late to back out now. It left your mouth a moment ago. If I die tonight, you don't want my ghost to haunt you for days and nights just to fish out the truth out of you."

Luke gasps. "So, 'till death do us apart' doesn't apply to us?"

"Nope. Death won't stop me."

"Where to now?"

"Take the first exit at the roundabout." Cobie shifts her attention to Luke again after they take a turn. "So?"

"So," Luke replies, "I've been paying attention to you since day one you joined us, Evans."

Did he just say...? Don't misinterpret him, don't misinterpret him, don't misinterpret him. Do. Not. Misinterpret. Him. "Okay? That sounds...reasonable since you're my boss."

Luke raises his eyebrows, looking surprised by her reply, but his focus stays on the street. "Which way after that traffic light?"

"Straight, second intersection to the right."

"Okay." Luke taps his fingers on the steering wheels, seeming to consider what he's going to say next. "The thing about being a leader is to provide a comfortable workplace where everyone can equally contribute and have a chance to grow. This is why I always avoid getting involved romantically with my subordinates, even though our office regulations aren't against it. I just don't want the mess."

"That makes sense," she replies, fumbling with her own fingers.

"But," Luke continues, "it doesn't mean I'm automatically blind to an attractive woman at work. I just need to not do anything about it."

The more Luke talks, the more Cobie feels the dryness in her throat. She's not dumb to understand where he's trying to go with his speech. She just doesn't know how to react to this. Staying rooted in her seat, immobile, she doesn't dare to speak. Hell, she doesn't even dare to breathe. Her stomach flutters and twists at the same time. If there were real butterflies inside, they must have been squealing and squeaking at the same time, confused and dizzy with the unexpected maneuvers.

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