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Cas has his hands by his side, he isn't sure what to do with them. They ache to touch you but he isn't certain about where you want to be touched. Pulling back from another kiss, your hand enlaces with his own. You give them a gentle squeeze. Looking down at your hand, he realises you had never allowed him to heal you.

"May I heal you now?" A tender smile crosses his face when you let him lift your hand up.

"Okay," you smile back at him, your hand tingling at the contact and warmth he provides.

"Thank you," he mumbles absentmindedly.

You let out a gentle laugh at the Angel, narrowing your eyes a little as you stare up into his blue eyes, "You're the one healing me, yet you say thank you?"

He huffs a small laugh at the idea, "I want you to be safe, you don't know what it means to me." He wraps a hand around yours, and the marks upon your knuckles disappear. It's as though they were never there.

"Thank you," you whisper kindly, feeling your heart pick up when he meets your gaze intensely. He always has those intense, deep eyes, and whenever you meet them, you feel like you can't breathe.

"Don't thank me yet," he lets out a small hum, his hand setting yours down, "you need to get out of here."

"Is it too late to find Sam?" you ask, looking up at him expectantly. Maybe you can stop the last seal. But judging from Cas' reaction, maybe not.

Castiel's face falls slightly, pausing before he looks down at your lips. "I don't know."

"We have to go to him," you alert Cas, hope filling your expression and voice, "there might be time."

"Perhaps," he half agrees, before he pausing, your hand still in his, "Y/N, I'll see you soon. I promise." He brings your hand up to his lips.

"Cas, wait!"

Stepping forward, he presses his lips against the back of your hand. The light shifts. It's dark. He's gone. Where? You're not sure. But then you realise, you're the one that's gone. Looking around, you see the archaic hallway, dim and doused in dust.


"Dean?" You suck a deep breath in, seeing him at the end of the hall. Rushing up to him, you feel the utmost sense of relief, "Where are we?"

"Sam," he answers, placing a hand on your shoulder, "he's here, how did you-"

"Cas," you smile immediately, gesturing slightly, "Cas brought me here."

"Me too," Dean notes, his face lightening slightly too, "our little rebel."

"Dean, I..." You trail off, furrowing your eyebrows, "Zachariah told me that Sam's-"

"I know," he nods seriously, a look of pain crossing his face, "I know." Noises come from the end of the hall, past the big wooden doors of the church. "Sam!" Dean shouts, running up to the door.

You follow, your hands slamming against the wood. Dean shoves his body against it, groaning in pain and frustration when it doesn't move in the slightest. It's bolted shut. "Sam, please!" You shout against the door, placing your hand upon it.

From inside, Sam turns to look at the door.  He hears your voice, and the voice of his brother, and he falters for a moment. Dean's voice is drowned out then, despite his throat becoming rough. You shout and beg. The door doesn't move.

"What are you waiting for?" You can hear Ruby shouting from behind the door, "Now! Sam, now!"

You look at Dean, confusion in your eyes. Ruby's working against Sam. Gritting your teeth, you shout his name again.

"Sammy, come on!" Dean grunts desperately, "Open the door. We're here. We're both here for you, okay? Y/N and me. Sammy, please."

The doors swing open then, after a moment's pause. Your eyes widen, seeing Lilith's body on the floor, bloodied and lifeless. It's been done. The final seal has been broken. You exhale, meeting Sam's confused, terrified eyes. "Sam..."

"You're too late," Ruby smirks, standing up to Dean and his readied knife.

"I don't care," Dean sneers, advancing on Ruby. You watch as Sam appears behind Ruby, holding her in place as Dean plunges the knife into her stomach. She gasps, sucking in one last confident breath before she begins to flicker. In her last moments, she doesn't look regretful to be leaving this earth. She looks pleased with herself even as she crumples to the floor.

"I'm sorry," Sam whimpers, his voice frail and shaking, "I'm sorry."

Upon the floor, the blood pouring out of Lilith has finished its pattern. He's coming, that much you're sure of. "We need to go," you tell the boys, standing beside them, "before it's too late."

"It's already too late," Sam mumbles dismally. You've never felt your heart beating as fast as it is in this moment. It almost feels dizzying, like you may faint at any point, in front of the two people you care for most, at the beginning of the end of the world. White light shoots up from the centre of the pattern, almost blinding you. The whole place starts to shake.

You place a hand on Sam's shoulder, giving him a gentle, assuring nod when he looks at you helplessly, "Come on, let's go."

The younger Winchester clutches at Dean's shirt, his hands tense and trembling. He feels like a child; afraid and unaware of his actions - even as Dean tries to pull him away from the symbol, he feels glued to the spot. It's like he's tethered. And maybe he is, maybe he always will be stuck in this convent by his actions and inaction.

"Come on!" Dean urges his brother. Sam finally lets Dean pull him away from the convent, and you all rush to the doors. You pass the two doors, running with all your energy. The doors slam shut behind you, rattling and shaking.

"Dean!" You shout against the door, "Sam!" They can't hear you from behind the wooden doors, a high-pitched screeching noise erupts in the room. You can see the glow from behind the cracks in the door. "Can you hear me?! Sam? Dean?!"

Placing your hand on the door makes the tips of your fingers burn, sizzling at the building heat.  The noise grows and grows, and pushing your hands against your ears doesn't help. The light builds, even from outside the room. You find yourself falling to your knees, shoving your head between your legs and trying to get away from the bursting sound. It goes dark.

THE ELEVENTH HOUR [Castiel x F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now