Chapter 13

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Pic of Noah! He's a cutie pie :) ------>


Of course I was wrong. I'm always wrong. Barely ten minutes into the party, I was bored and disgusted by the sweaty, dancing bodies that felt the need to dry hump each other on the makeshift dance floor.

"Grab a drink hot-stuff!" Some meathead jock said, passing me a red cup. I walked to the kitchen, switching the cup for another empty one. I didn't feel like getting drunk, not after my experiences. I filled the cup with soda from the fridge, and made my way to the living room.

"Well, look who it is, guys! she must be in need of some business!" A jock, Jack I think his name was, shouted. He was clearly plastered and I wasn't in the mood.

A hand grabbed my arm, dragging me down a hallway. "What the hell are you doing here, Gabriella?" Noah demanded. I rolled my eyes.

"Why the hell do you care, Noah?" I fired back.

"Why are you at a party? This party?" He was really getting on my nerves.

"You're not my father, Noah, so don't act like it. I can be wherever the hell I want to be." I took a drink of my soda, barely getting any before it was yanked out of my hands.

"Is this alcohol?" He sniffed the cup, warily.

"No, you dumbass. Even if it was, why would you care?" His eyes narrowed, his jaw tensing.

"Don't drink, Gabriella. Actually, you should just go home all together." He walked away, making my anger release.

"Quit acting like my father! I can do whatever the hell I want to do!" I stormed out of the hallway, heading straight for the kitchen. I spotted some kid mixing drinks, "Make me one," I demanded.

"Comin' right up." He grabbed different glass bottles of different murky liquids. I took the drink from him when he finished and chugged it down. The familiar burn felt somewhat satisfying.

I grabbed another red cup, gladly allowing the alcohol to take over my system. It started to cloud my mind, which I was perfectly fine with.

"Hey, Gabby! You up for another shift?" The jock from earlier laughed.

"I would, but who knows how many rolls may unravel when you lift your shirt?" The alcohol was making me ballsy and this jock was pissing me off.

"Whatever. Wouldn't want any diseases anyway." He turned to walk away.

"Yeah, 'cause we all know you don't have anything." I said. He turned back toward me, his friends doing the same.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" He advanced toward me, but I stood there unaffected.

"Everything about you screams virgin." His jock friends were holding in laughter, while the guy was getting angry. "You look like Santa!" I started laughing, seeing his red face. Suddenly, he was right in front of me, his hand connecting to my face. I stopped laughing.

"Woah, dude! Don't hit her!" One of the guys' friends said. I stepped back a step, my fist coming back. I pushed it forward, punching the guy in his nose, hard.

"Real guys don't hit girls." I spat, leaving him crouching and clutching his nose. The jocks were standing in awe.


Seven of those mixed drinks later, I'm plastered. I'm pretty sure I spent half of the night dancing on a table. I'm pretty sure my shirt from earlier is missing.

I walked down the hallway, opening random rooms. Some held couples having sex, others holding some people passed out. I opened a door near the end, seeing Noah laid across the bed. He was alone, staring at the ceiling. He looked up when I walked in. Well, more like stumbled in.

"Gabriella?" He asked.

I started giggling, the situation funnier to me than anyone would think it to be. Noah stood from the bed, walking over to me.

"Where's your shirt?" He demanded. I looked down, noticing that I was only wearing a black bra and cut off shorts.

"I don't know. I think Santa took it when I was dancing." I really was plastered.

"Who's Santa?" He asked me, leading me to the bed.

"He's the fat guy with a red face. Now it's swollen." I said the last part proudly.

"Why is it swollen?" I laid back on the bed, stretching out.

"I punched him. You ask too many questions." I sighed, closing my eyes. Noah crouched down next to me, his eyes assessing me. "Quit checking me out." I demanded softly. He chuckled.

"Hard not to when you're half naked and laying on a bed." I knew he was smirking, he always was. Cocky bastard. I sat up on the bed, my face coming merely inches from his.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I whispered. His breath caught, causing me to smirk. This is going to be fun. I stood from the bed, Noah's eyes following my every move. I stood in front of him, the alcohol making me more confident in my movements.

"What's you w-want me to do?" He stuttered a little, making my smirk wider.

"You know exactly what I want." I stepped between his legs, causing his breathing to speed up even more.

"Do I?" He was staring at my face.

I leaned down to his ear, "I'm sure you do." I whispered. I ran my finger along his neck, causing him to suck in a breath.

"And what is it that you want?" His hands moved to my legs, pulling me into his lap. My arms went around his neck to keep from pulling back.

I put my mouth to his ear again, nibbling a little. I felt a shiver go down his spine. "A shirt." I hopped off of his lap, walking to the chest of drawers in the room. I pulled out a random white shirt, slipping it over my head. Turning around, Noah sat with a shocked expression on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked sweetly.

"You just- and I- and then." He stammered. I smirked, turning to leave the room. I felt a hand on my arm before I was spun around and pushed against the wall. Noah was staring intently at me. "You didn't think you would get away with that did you?" I couldn't respond.

Noah's lips were on mine.


Well that escalated quickly don't you think? I decided to give Noah a little action ;)

Keep the feedback coming guys! Yall are amazing!

Until next time :)

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