Chapter 46

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It's been a crazy last few weeks. Coach has been working us hard, making sure we're still on track for the championship round. If things go well, we'll be celebrating the cup win in just a few more games. It's hard to believe we're almost there! This season has been insane.

So much has changed since the preseason. We've lost a couple of teammates, gained a few new ones, gained a roommate, and have been through some serious drama. The most significant change, though, I found the love of my life. I still can't believe that Lindsey is mine. She came into my life and brought so much love and joy with her. I never thought I could be so happy with someone until she breezed in and set up shop inside my heart.

With the way things are going with practice, I've only been able to spend time with Lins at home and after games. I know she understands how important this time is for the team, so she never complains about how much I'm gone these days. That's just another reason to love her. She's so patient and supportive of my career and the team.

Once the season is over, I know I want to do something special for her- for us. And after thinking long and hard about what I should do, I think I've come up with the perfect plan. I hope when I surprise Lindsey with it, she is excited as I am. Just a few more games and I can show my girl her surprise.

Just a few more games, that's all that's left of the season- assuming we make it through round three, that is. The whole team has been stressed; we know we're good at what we do, but it's coming down to the wire. We've all been working so well together as a unit. But no matter how great things seem, there's still that nagging feeling in the back of our minds that something will go wrong, and with one mistake, our season will be cut short, so close to the finish line.

With the extra practices and working on new plays, no one has had a whole lot of time to unwind and take a breather, and it's starting to show. Everyone is more edgy and unfocused today, and I think Coach is starting to see that. Maybe that's why he called it a day earlier than usual. When he told us we were done for the day, no one complained. It was like he threw us a lifeline. He told us to take the rest of the day off and come back ready to work in the morning.

I think this is what we all needed- some time off to release some steam. Lins and I haven't had much time to ourselves lately. I'm almost tempted to get us a hotel room for the night so we can alleviate the tension in all our favorite ways.


I'm sitting on my bed, sixty seconds from booking a hotel, when Lins comes into the room wearing a big bright smile. She looks at me like she's about to tell me a huge secret.

I set my phone on the bed and gather her into my arms. "What is it, babe?"

She adjusts herself on my lap as she wraps her arms around me. "We have the apartment to ourselves for the night."

My eyes roll back as Lindsey plants sweet kisses along my neck. "Is that right?"

She nods her head and runs her lips over my jaw. "Mhmm. Apparently, Liam has a date tonight. And shocker- so does Tay. Liam left a few minutes ago, and Tay was about to leave when I walked in here. They both said not to wait up for them."

I pull my head back, a little surprised. "They both have dates tonight?"

Maybe Lins was right about them.

Lindsey scrunches her nose up and gives me a sheepish grin. "Well, technically, Liam said he had a date, and Taylor said, 'I think I'll make myself scarce tonight so you two lovebirds can have some alone time,' but I read between the lines."

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