Chapter 11

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By the time he calmed down, a nurse and doctor had come in and began to check his vitals. When the doctor was sure he could give a proper response, she began to ask him basic questions. How he was feeling, if something hurt and where.
His chest hurt, which was to be expected, and he felt weak. His whole body ached as if he'd been there for a while. Breathing deeply was slightly painful and talking was difficult and tiring.
The doctor explained that this was normal. So he asked her about his wounds.

The nurse proceeded to change out some IVs as she explained. "You were stabbed twice in the chest. You're lucky, one barely punctured your lungs and the other missed all your vitals, just barely. You'll need to eat more and you'll feel tired for the next few days, you lost a lot of blood. Do you remember what happened?"

Toren winced, but nodded. "Vividly," he added in a whisper.

The doctor nodded. "Well, everything seems to check out. I'm going to let you rest now, if you need anything or feel any changes, let me know."

Michael straightened. "Can he have visitors?"

The doctor gave a frustrated sigh, tilting her head back and folding her arms across her chest while the nurse attempted to look busy.

"I don't want to get him worked up as much as you already have. You shouldn't even be in here, yet." She was a rather shrewd woman with a sharp gaze that looked like it could kill.

Michael seemed unfazed by it, blinking his warm honey colored eyes. "I'll be quiet."

The doctor looked back over at Toren. "Are you alright with him being here?" She was clearly ready to throw the bear out if he showed any signs of distress.

He gave what he assumed was a half smile in reassurance and answered, "yes."

She sighed, relenting. "Alright. Just be careful." She turned her narrowed gaze back on Michael. "And let him rest." These two had clearly already argued about this before. Toren was pretty sure only family was supposed to be allowed, but there Michael was.

Michael gave a grunt, nodding his head slowly multiple times until she seemed satisfied and left with the nurse in tow.

Toren turned his head to look up at him, a question on the tip of his tongue, but then he decided to take a moment.
Michael looked disheveled and tired. Probably more so than he was.

This man had saved his life. Whoever had attacked him was trying to kill him, that much was clear. If Michael hadn't been there, he'd be dead.
Toren was many things, but a skilled fighter was not one of them. He didn't even know basic self defense, let alone had ever been in a fight. Not one that could cost him his life.
He saw Michael through a new light. Even if he was used to risking his life as an officer of the law, he still put himself in harm's way for Toren. He was still brave enough to do that.

He curled his fingers and then uncurled them, dragging his hand across the bed, as heavy as it was, to reach for Michael's that rested clasped together at the bedside.

Michael's eyes darted to it and then up to his face before taking a hold of his hand and enveloping it in both of his. It was like a warm embrace. One he very much needed right then.

"What happened to the, the..." His voice teetered off, finding himself unsure what to call his attacker, but Michael was quick to catch on.

"He got away, but we're looking everywhere for him. Whoever he is, we'll find him. Some officers will come by later to get a statement and ask you questions. You're safe here," he reassured. "I'll be right by your side the whole time."

He was so firm until something flickered across his face and he cleared his throat, ducking his head down. "If you want me to be."

Toren couldn't resist smiling at Michael, even if he felt too tired to muster up the strength to. It just came so naturally.

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