Chapter 4

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Lord Advent had sent a letter to Amelia, and his butler Jeffris informing them of his nuptials. Amelia never responded. It wasn't a good sign. He hoped Miss. Zennor was made of stronger stuff for her own sake.

Jeffris congratulated him in his letter and promised to make every arrangement to make the new Lady of Watford feel welcomed.

Lord Advent couldn't bring himself to think of Miss. Zennor as his wife. She wasn't even half his age, he was forty-three and she was just twenty-two. If she was anything like his daughters she would have dreamt of a grand marriage to a perfect gentleman. He pitied her fate.

All he can give her is a comfortable life. He could never be her husband. He has already proven once he made a terrible husband. He can't condemn Miss. Zennor and force himself upon her.

Lord Advent woke up suddenly, not sure what had woke him up so abruptly. Then he heard it. Miss. Zennor was screaming and whimpering. He got up and ran to her room through the connecting door. There was no one except her, she was writhing and thrashing in her bed.

'Miss. Zennor, wake up!'

'Please! NO,' she begged and made the whimpering sound again.

Lord Advent shook her, 'Miss. Zennor you must wake up.'

Emma woke up with a start. She was trembling as she looked all around the room.

'It's just a nightmare, you are safe,' said Lord Advent in a soothing voice.

But she didn't register him. She looked all around scared that Moval was hiding somewhere. She was scared out of her wits, the dream was so vivid. The feeling of Morval's hands on her felt real and revolting. She could still feel Morval's hands on her. It was so revolting, Her stomach heaved and tried to push everything out.

'Miss. Zennor, look at me,' said Lord Advent. She couldn't, as she started hyperventilating.

She felt a warm arm wrap around her shoulder, and another embracing her face.

'Emma, look at me.'

She did; her eyes met Lord Advent; he had come. He had come again to save Emma. She slumped on his shoulders, breaking completely.

'Emma, you are safe,' he kept repeating.

Lord Advent held Emma for a long time, slowly her breathing became normal. Yet she couldn't stop the tears that were pouring down her eyes.

'I never thanked you for saving me that day.' Her voice broke as fresh tears rolled down her cheek.

He made a shushing sound and wiped her tears. She wanted to apologise for forcing him to marry her, but that would be an insult to him. So she didn't say anything. He only let her go when she calmed down.

He stood up to leave. She started panicking again. She didn't want him to leave but couldn't ask him to stay either. He returned with some water.

'Drink this, I will go down to the kitchen and fetch you some tea. Tea always makes things better.'

'Lord Advent - ' she called out frantically.

He paused near the door.

'Please don't leave,' she begged

He came back and sat in front of her.

'Lie down, I will wait here till you sleep.'

'I don't want to sleep -' She saw the leering face of Morval whenever she closed her eyes.

'-but you should sleep, My Grace. If it's not too much to ask, can you please leave the connecting door open?'

'I can't leave you alone, not like this,' he looked around the room, 'Let me read you a book.'

He stood up and went to a corner where some books were piled. He brought back a book and sat down to read.

'Star-crossed,' he began. It was the story of a poor but honest man who fell in love with a wealthy merchant's daughter. Lord Advent yawned after barely two pages.

'Shall I read?' she asked and stood up. He nodded and handed her the book. They switched places.

Before she could complete the first chapter, he fell asleep. She moved her chair closer to the bed and held his hand. She felt safe. He became her home.

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