14| Share

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Chapter 14: Share (Adam's POV)

I regretted the way I spoke to her the minute I was done spitting out all that bullshit. I agreed with what I told her but the way I told her was just so fucking wrong. It felt wrong, it made me feel horrible. 

She didn't deserve to be spoken to or treated like that, she doesn't. She has her feelings too and I didn't take them into consideration. Maybe she really did feel so uncomfortable around me that she's willing to do anything to avoid me, at all costs. 

I glanced at the ground, cursing at myself before looking ahead of me again where she was walking slowly, staring at the floor. The group had split up now, some people going in one direction to take pictures while the others went to an area with the best plants and flowers. 

Emilia was just wandering around. She stopped in front of the round water fountain in the center of the park when we passed it and stared at it for a while, probably making a wish. Even without a penny, she has a habit of wishing upon water fountains. I was a little surprised when she agreed to let me walk with her but I was glad she did. She spotted a bench that had the perfect sunset view if you looked past the distance between two trees, and she headed there, sitting down with a sigh. 

I made my way over to her as slowly as possible, giving her the time to get up and away from me if she wanted to. But she didn't. I went and sat beside her, taking my hat off and holding it in one hand, staring at the sunset peeking through the trees. We sat in silence for a long minute before I gathered the courage to say something, anything. "Emmy—" 

"I don't want to talk to you, Adam," she said softly. 

"You don't have to. I just want—" 

"I don't even want to listen to you. You were right but you were really mean." 

"I know," I mumbled, scratching the back of my neck. "I'm sorry." 

"Are you?" She turned to me. 

"I am, Emilia." 

She held my gaze before scanning my face and then nodding slowly. "Fine. Apology accepted." She faced forward again. "And you want me to tolerate you in front of everybody else, don't you? So we don't ruin this wedding? Fine, I'll do that too. But when we're alone like we are right now, don't expect anything from me. I'm here for my sister's wedding just like you're here for your brother's. I wasn't looking forward to seeing you either. But you're right, since we have to, we shouldn't let it ruin this trip. So, when we have eyes on us, I'll tolerate you. But other than that, you leave me alone." She looked at me again. "You don't make it your mission to make me miserable. Ditch that plan. Deal?" She lifted a brow at me. 

I didn't say anything and watched her for a moment. 

"I'm not trying to hurt you, Adam. And if something so small like being ignored is hurting you, maybe you should ask yourself why that bothers you so much. I thought you hated me. Shouldn't you be happy I'm leaving you alone? But it bothers you. Why?" 

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