41 Salvation

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Be my coffin, that I may be yours.

Mahmoud Darwish


"Can you climb a tree, Joojoo?"


"Me neither. But I want the dates from the tree and it's too tall for me to reach."

"We can use a stick," he suggests.

"It's very, very high," she informs him, holding her tiny hand above her head as high as possible. "But if you get on your hands and knees, and I climb on your back, then maybe we can reach it with a stick."

He appears apprehensive of the idea, and she eagerly waits for him to agree. "But what if you fall down and hurt yourself?"

"If I fall then I will fall over you and won't get hurt." She grins and takes his hand excitedly, dragging him after her. "I'll get you some dates too. Maman says they're healthy. We'll both eat together so we can grow bigger soon and then become king and queen."

"You'll become my queen?"

"Yes, silly. Aren't you going to be the Khalifa?"

"Baba said I can be. But to become a queen, you'll have to marry me then."

She scratches her head in puzzlement. "Can I wear the bride dress?"


She giggles and tugs him some more after herself. "Then I'll marry you. But you'll have to get me a crown too."


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"What business did you have with Adam?"

"Nothing significant."

"So you see him over and over for nothing significant?"

"Faris has been keeping you updated, I see."

"Noura," he calls her by her full name, and it doesn't come to her without agitation. He's upset and it's showing. "Didn't I warn you? That man is no good to you. He's cunning and manipulative. God knows what villainy he's up to. He's trying to lure you to himself."

"So far he hasn't done anything to harm me," she argues. "If anything, he agreed to help me return to home. I already told you this before."

"And I don't believe in him. Not one bit."

They're at his tent at the barrack away from prying eyes where the soldiers are training or where they could be heard. Eskander restlessly paces back and forth and scrubs his face before stopping by the table with maps splayed on it and a water vessel lying there. He fills himself a glass and gulps it down. Noura tries to remain as calm as she can and not lose her composure against him. At least not this once.

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