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I think the last week was the most  exhausting one in my whole life. Jude showed me about whole Birmingham and I now know almost every tree and house by heart.

Nevertheless I enjoyed spending so much time with him and watch him talking enthusiastically about his life back then.

Today is finally Christmas Eve. It's the first time in 5 years that I'm spending Christmas with someone again.

The last years I sat alone in a hotel room eating dinner I just ordered from the room service. I watched all these Christmas films that actually run only for the people who are alone anyway. After the third time watching them they somehow get boring.

"Can I help you?", I ask Mark when I go into the kitchen. He's already preparing dinner. Denise wanted to eat traditional so we eat turkey and potatoes.

"You can set the table if you don't mind", he says smiling.

"Of course not", I answer and go to get the plates.

Jobe and Jude went out to play football and Denise is cleaning the whole house. I asked multiple times if I could help her, but she won't let me do anything.

"Leya my dear. Could you go and get Jude and Jobe? They need to help me with something important", says Denise when she walks to us in the kitchen.

"Sure. I'm just finishing the table", I say and put the last few flowers on it.

I then take on my jacket and my shoes to go outside.

It's so cold today. Maybe it starts snowing later.

I go to the football pitch Jude showed me three times. I can't see anything because it's already getting dark but I can hear loud voices.

In front of the pitch are standing about 50 boys at the age of 20 or so.

"What is going on there?" I ask someone who stands in my way.

I try to look through all of them but I can't see anything there are too many.

"Nothing you should care about", he says and looks at me a bit angry probably because I just interrupted him in whatever he's watching right now.

"It's important. What is happening there?", I ask again.

"6 of our friends are playing football against two famous footballers", he says not looking at me.

"Which famous footballers?", I ask again although I already now the answer.

"Jude and Jobe Bellingham", he says again.

"Oh lord", I say and take a deep breath.

"Excuse me can I get through, please?", I ask about 20 men's who are standing still in my way.

As soon as I reach the fence and have a free sight I see Jude and Jobe really playing against some random dudes.

"Sorry but I can't let you go through here", a man says and stands defending in front of the entrance of the field.

"Why not?", I ask him.

"There is a game and there are famous footballer on the pitch. I'm here for there safety"

"Okay. Cool that you take your job so seriously but I know them and I'm here on behalf of their mother so please let me go through it's really important", I say almost begging.

"No", he says.

"You fucking asshole let me go now", I say again.

"Nope" I see. He won't let me go.

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