Take A Chance On Me {7}

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                                                                ***Callum’s POV***

                I walked towards the cafeteria, Natalie trailing behind me. She was grumbling under her breath, still mad that I had wanted to get a teacher to stop those kids from going after Tate.


                I stopped, Tate’s voice echoing down the hallway slightly. I grabbed Natalie, motioning at her to be quiet as I pulled her behind the lockers, peeking out. Down the hallway, Tate was standing with some kid in front of him.

                I stared at the kid curiously. Hm…where had I seen that guy before?

                Oh yeah.  He was the one who had carried Tate to the nurse’s office after the skateboarding incident! Was he one of Tate’s friends?

                “Well, I’m not Ke$ha,” the guy, Craig, said, rolling his eyes. “Now, what happened to your face Tate? You’re uglier than usual, and I didn’t think that was possible.”

                “Gee Craig; I can always leave it to you to brighten my day.” Tate said sarcastically.

                “Shut up Tate. Are you going to tell me what happened, or should I just assume that you failed at another one of your stupid stunts?”

                Tate pouted, glaring at Craig. “Eric and Rupert,” he said reluctantly, gently touching the bruise on his cheek and wincing a little.

                “Oh, you mean those assholes you so proudly called you friends?” Craig raised an eyebrow at Tate.

                “Did you want something?” Tate asked in annoyance.

                “Where are you going?” Craig asked, ignoring Tate’s question.

                “Home.” Tate said simply.

                Craig looked a little surprised at that answer. “You’re going home? Why would you do that, Tate? After what happened at dinner last night, I thought you’d kiss the ground of the school.”

                “Gross. God only knows what’s on the floor of the school,” Tate said, shaking his head. “And yes, I’m going home. Because if you looked up the definition of shit, you’d find a picture of my day. One of those moving pictures, like in Harry Potter.”

                “You’re an idiot. Your day is only going to get shittier if you go home. Dad’s working from home today.” Craig said.

                “That’s some strong language there, little brother. My ears are burning.” Tate said, raising an eyebrow.

                I looked between the two of them curiously. That Craig kid was Tate’s little brother? Huh, I guess they did have similar features. Nothing that stood out immediately, but it was definitely noticeable if you studied their faces.

                And what was Craig talking about? Why did it matter if their dad was working from home? Would he get mad that Tate had ditched school? Had Tate and his father gotten in an argument during dinner?

                “Shut up Tate.” Craig said, and by the tone of his voice, I could tell he said that phrase quite often. For some reason, that almost made me smile.

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