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Lucifer carried on rambling about Spain but I wasn't really paying attention. I couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to listen to him going on while trying not to show how much I hated the thought of going to Spain. He knew I didn't want to go yet he was still going to take me without giving me a reason why and he expected me to act happy and excited about it like he was. It made no sense and I wasn't really in the mood to play along so I just smiled and nodded while tuning him out so I could plan an escape in my head.

The easiest plan would be trying to escape at the airport because there would be lots of people and, more importantly, lots of police. Even if Lucifer had a weapon surely there would be enough people there to take action before too many people got hurt. However, I was just assuming we were going to the airport but what if Lucifer had another way. There was still a chance that I could find a way to alert someone at some point or maybe if I caught him off guard at some point I could use that to my advantage. The issue was I had never caught him off guard before and even when I had there was never enough time to escape.

Why did he have to be so smart? How was I going to escape if he was always two steps ahead of me?

I felt trapped. He had me right where he wanted me, completely powerless and at his mercy. I was never going to outsmart him at this rate, I didn't even know how we were getting to Spain or where exactly in Spain we were going. I tried so hard not to lose hope but it was gradually becoming harder as it slowly dawned on me how hard it was going to be to escape, even if I was willing to take the risk of getting punished I still needed to have a good chance succeeding otherwise there was no point.

How was I ever going to get out when he knows every move I can make?

Lucifer eventually must have gotten fed up of sitting by the bed because he climbed into the bed and lay next to me which quickly snapped me out of my thoughts. I smiled at him as he put one arm around me and then turned on the TV with his free hand.

"You are going to love it in Spain, just you wait." He said for probably the 100th time and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

We stayed in bed like that for at least a few hours and I spent the whole time trying to forget what was happening until eventually I just closed my eyes and let sleep take over, temporarily allowing myself to escape from the hell I was trapped in. It felt nice, even for a few moments, to just get away from everything and be in a world of my own where none of this had ever happened.

Sadly, I woke a while later to Lucifer shaking me gently.

"Hey sweetheart, I know you've just woken up but it's 6:00 and I was thinking of getting us some food, are you hungry?"

I nodded suddenly noticing a gnawing emptiness in my stomach that began to ache. I then carefully pushed myself up into a sitting position and he smiled at me before continuing.

"Well I was thinking we could get Pizza from down the road rather than room service, how does that sound?"

I was too tired and hungry to actually try and
speak so I just nodded again.

"Ok I'm going to go order it now, I'll leave you here to rest but I'm telling you now I don't want any funny business or trying to escape because like I said I'm only going down the road so I will find you easily and then I will have to punish you, understood?"

"Yes I understand" I managed to respond, mostly just happy to finally get some time away from him.

"Good girl" he said smiling before he got out of bed and left to grab his keys and put his coat on.

As soon as I heard him shut and lock the door I leaned back against the edge of them bed and let out a sigh of relief. I knew this shouldn't have been something to be excited about because he was still coming back and I was no closer to escaping but I had to enjoy the little freedom I had because it didn't seem like I was going to escape any time soon anyway. I guess the fact he actually left me alone in a hotel room meant something, maybe he was beginning to trust me more.

As my mind began to register that I was finally alone and away from Lucifer, the feelings that I was forced to ignore hit me all at once and I just broke down. I thought of Noelle again and how much I missed her, not a day had gone by where I didn't think of her. My whole body ached to be back with her, to be back home. I then felt a tear slowly slide down my cheek. More and more tears then followed as everything just got too much and soon I was crying my eyes out. I hadn't let myself show any emotion while Lucifer was there because I didn't want to look weak and then have to deal with his fake sympathy but now that he was gone I couldn't hold it in anymore. I hated him and I hated what he had done to me. Even if I managed to escape I knew I would never be the same as I was before. I cried until I could no longer breathe properly and was gasping for breaths in between sobs but I didn't even care. I had lost everything because of him and there were some parts of me I would never get back. I couldn't stand the thought of never seeing the people I loved again and being stuck in this hell with Lucifer forever.

Eventually, after what felt like hours, I slowly began to calm down and I started focusing on getting my breathing back on track. My chest ached from the struggle to get air in but I ignored it. Now that I was calm and could think clearly I realised I didn't know how much longer Lucifer was going to be so I had to sort myself out quick before he came back. I managed to get myself out of bed and then ran to the bathroom so I could at least look in the mirror. I stared at my reflection for a while as I realised I hadn't seen a mirror in forever. My skin looked awful, probably from stress, and my eyes were red from crying. I tried not to think anymore about the fact that Lucifer had done that to me and instead I just began rinsing my face with water a few times until u could barely tell I had been crying. Satisfied, I left the bathroom and got back into bed just in time as I then heard Lucifer come through the door carrying a large pizza.

"Foods here!" He announced smiling cheerfully at me.

Hey sorry for the late update I kept running out of ideas for how to write this chapter and ended up rewriting it like 3 times😂

Anyways hope you are enjoying the story so far, let me know what u think and don't forget to vote if u like it👍

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