The Cliche Novel's Place in My Life

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I came back into my room and sighed. The lecture was long at that time, I was mentally exhausted from all of that scolding. My beautiful, silky silver hair brushed the bed as I moved towards the center of the room.

[OPEN SPACE: (0,0)] I commanded and immediately after, a white 2D circle emerged from thin air. However, it couldn't fit me, so I commanded, [WIDEN 35 CENTIMETERS] and it expanded. Without hesitation, I climbed into the circle. I fell into my space. It was like a bright room, but there were no walls, just limitless white inside, like a blank paper. Inside my dimension, there was a large pile of random junk in front of me.

Gadgets, books, half-finished magic circles, unfinished construction blueprints were all sprawled on the floor.

(Author's Note: There actually is no floor. Think of it as a 3D x and y graph. Right now, Alice is located on the coordinates (0,0), but by using more of her magic, she can move down, up, left, right, back, and forth. The reason I said floor is just because it's easier to comprehend. Thanks!)

I dove headfirst into the pile of things and rummaged about until I felt what I was looking for and pulled it out. What I saw was a book, worn and torn. It was my journal, something I kept since I was born (well, two weeks old, but that's beside the point). Inside, I described my adventures, thoughts, relationships, past life, and, most importantly, the novel.

I Shine For You. A novel I read just before I died (curse you truck-sama!) and reincarnated into this kingdom. It was a cliche novel. The heroine, Aveline, is a beautiful fifteen year old girl with pink hair and dazzling hazel eyes. She goes to attend Ascham Royal Academy, a school for the elite, on a scholarship because of her legendary light magic. There, she meets the four capture targets.

The first male lead is the crown prince of this kingdom, Lionel. He had flowing blond hair and deep purple eyes. He was engaged to the original villainess, Alice Novea. He despised Alice's cruel and cunning nature and hated her sticking on to him. When he met the heroine, he was instantly seduced by her 'innocent' and 'caring' personality. After getting her to fall for him, he publicly annulled his engagement with Alice while hugging Aveline tightly and proclaiming his love to her. When I read that part, I was utterly flabbergasted. What kind of idiot announces the annulment of his engagement publicly? And why did he proclaim his love for Aveline, a mere baron's daughter, right after? IS HE AN IDIOT? Does he know about the benefits that Alice's engagement could be for him?

The second male lead is the prime minister's son, Richard. He had shining ashen hair and fiery red eyes. He had a cold personality after losing his mother, his only light. With the absence of his mother, his father pushed him to be a perfect heir to his legacy. Because of that, he was called a prodigy at an early age (although not as early as me) and excelled in politics, mathematics, history, and anything you could think of. When he met the heroine, he fell for her because she was untouched by society, and 'pure', something he lost at a young age. When he found that Alice was bullying her, after the engagement annulment, he immediately dragged her name in mud and caused the fall of the dukedom.

The third male lead was the leader of a well known group of assassins in the east, Ciaran. Unlike the people of the west, with fair skin, he had a more tan skin color with light blue hair and pitch black eyes. Like Richard, he didn't notice Alice until he saw her bullying his love. After being left in shambles by Richard, he killed her brutally. I mean, seriously? He's an assassin and should have more information about that. How did he notice so late in the story?

And finally, the fourth male lead, Alden. He was a distant relative of the duke, thus they decided to adopt him to succeed the dukedom after Alice was engaged to the prince. Like all of these 'adopted son' tropes, he was bullied by Alice, who repeatedly told him he wasn't worthy of the dukedom with such 'dirty blood'. As he grew, he became more and more of a playboy to try and make up for the affection lost in his childhood. After meeting the heroine and falling in love for real, she heals the hole in his heart.

I said this before, but I was the one who reincarnated into the villainess of this cringy novel. Yes, yes, it's the common trope, but hey, what does it matter? I'm a doted on daughter of a duke now. So what if I'm spoiled? I won't become like the original villainess because, well, I've already lived in another world before and I wasn't the villainess' soul. I was just, me. And I don't fucking care about the heroine.

A baron's daughter? Please. If I was really afraid of her, I'd just annihilate her family while she's still young and while she still doesn't have any support from the male leads. That is sure to stop the storyline.

But of course, I wasn't afraid of her. An utterly pathetic person who could only cry about her life and seek help from men, how stupid. I didn't ruin her future just to ease my distress. And, I'm not a devil, after all. But I don't really care about the plotline. Instead, my thoughts mostly consisted of 'How will it crumble? The villainess will no longer be bullying the heroine, so the capture targets won't have anything to inflate their egos when they see the heroine in distress and accuse the villainess.' You know, things like this.

I plan to watch the storyline go on the sidelines. If the baron's daughter falls into misery, then so be it. She probably deserved it anyway. If the baron's daughter becomes a crown princess, fine! What do I care, I'm already a princess, I don't love that bastard crown prince, and I don't have an inferiority complex either. You know, the prince was always a special kind of scum. Courting the heroine while being engaged. Scummy scum scum scum shithead! I wouldn't want to get engaged with him anyway, and if I asked my parents not to get engaged and just use my signature puppy eyes, they'll immediately agree.

I flipped open my journal to where a white ribbon bookmarked. Inside, I started writing about my computer, my thesis, and all the things that happened in two days. I smiled. I'm smart, beautiful, and I have a high status. I'm awesome, cool, and powerful. I was considered a prodigy when I was six months old. I have a high aptitude for magic, and I already HAVE light magic, wind magic, water magic, and earth magic (and I think I have more...?). So I shouldn't give a rat's ass about the heroine or the storyline, and just research more on magic!

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