Chapter 44

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Lizzie's pov

"Klaus!" Freya suddenly screams.

I let go of Hope, and vamp-race towards Freya, wondering what's gotten her so panicked. Her hands are full, for she is battling five Strix witches, but she desperately points to the rooftop of the Abattoir.

Both Klaus and I turn our heads to see what she is gesturing at.

Elijah has made it to the top of the Abattoir building, with Hayley in tow. He's dragging her along by her hair, and she's on her knees in front of him. Her face is covered with so much blood that I can't tell whether her hair's supposed to be brown or red.

"End this!" Elijah shouts. His voice is so loud that his words are heard by all five hundred supernaturals below him.

"Tell your forces to stand now, Niklaus, and surrender Aurora's body to me," Elijah says.

Klaus stares up at his brother and his wife. He's so still that it looks as though he has been frozen in time.

Hayley screams in pain when Elijah plunges his hand into the back of her chest.

"Now, Klaus. Or I rip her heart out," Elijah shouts.

I'm not the biggest fan of Hayley Marshall. She chucked me and my mom into an underground cell, after all. But my grudge against her is nothing compared to the anger I feel towards Elijah.

A dangerous plan forms inside my mind, one that's so crazy that it might actually work.

"Invisique," I perform an invisibility spell on myself once more.

"Do you think it's wise to test my patience?" Elijah calls down.

I dart around a group of Strix witches, and carefully make my way towards Klaus.

"Where is Aurora's body?" Elijah says.

Klaus lets out a shaky breath.

"Let Hayley go," he says.

"You're in no position to be making deals, Niklaus." After speaking these words, Elijah gives a light tug on the hand that is wrapped around Hayley's heart, causing Hayley to scream in pain.

"Aurora de Martel," Klaus begins in a shaky voice. "She- her body. You were right, I had Freya hide her."

He's stalling for time. Desperately wishing for someone to do something, anything.

I rush over towards Klaus, and before he's aware of my presence, I grab his hand and begin not only to siphon, but channel the magic inside of him, as well. The enchanted strength that exists inside the veins of the Original Hybrid makes its way into me.

The look in Elijah's eyes changes. Since I'm invisible, he obviously can't see me. However, he does seem to be noticing the way color is draining itself out of Klaus's face.

Klaus lets out a pained gasp, but keeps it quiet, as if he knows that whoever is doing this to him is trying to help him. Pretending that there isn't an invisible siphon witch standing next to him, Klaus turns towards his brother, preparing to buy me as much time as he can.

"Your old room," Klaus lies. "Aurora's body has been cloaked within the walls of your old room," he nods to the building that Elijah is standing on top of.

"Go see if his words are true," Elijah says to four Strix vampires.

I've now taken so much magic from Klaus that I could set the entire Salvatore School up in flames, if I had the mind to. I pull away from Klaus, deciding that Elijah won't be stalled for much longer.

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