Ch 17

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Liam Moonhovan

Alexis climbed into my lap after dinner, insisting I was more comfortable than the wooden seat, but Enzo pointed out she was already fast asleep midway through our conversation, so we split the bill and called it a night. It hit me that she was becoming older and definitely heavier as I carried her in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder.

 "Woah, it's far later than I thought." Enzo said as we walked out of the mall. It was far beyond 7 p.m., so chances of catching a cab were likely slim. "I'll walk you to your car. Where did you guys park?" Enzo inquired, his gaze falling on me.

 "We took a cab since I didn't feel like driving. I'll just call Zach" I said about to take out my phone.

 "You don't need to. Just come with me; I can drop you off. We already live near to each other "He stated. I was going to object, but it was preferable than keeping Alexis out in the cold at night. So she was fast asleep in the back seat as I settled in the passengers side.

"you've raised a pretty amazing child" Enzo commented making me look up at him with widened eyes. 

"You think so?" I asked. 

"Yea she's funny, well-behaved, neat, polite, and a sweetheart. It's not that common in kids her age" He commented making me feel like my heart was about to leap out of my chest. 

"Thank, it does mean a lot" I said. He just sounded so genuine I could feel he really meant it. Unlike those soccer mom's at Alexis' school.

He nodded, as if he had more to say but was keeping it to himself. He was really the definition of an open, so easy to read book. "Ask whatever is on your mind" I sighed, adding "before you crash the car thinking so hard"  just to make it sound more like I didn't care but I was, feeling confident in my ability to be open with him.

 "It's a lot of questions" Enzo said glancing at me "and they're all fairly personal." he added, tapping the steering wheel with his index finger.

"Just ask them all," I urged, leaning against the glass, "before I change my mind and go back to being cold." He gave me a quick glance before returning his gaze to the road ahead. 

Before he spoke, there was a little pause. "Why are you so distant from others? I've spent the last three months thinking we're finally becoming good friends and that I know all there is to know about you. Just to discover you have a whole kid. I just want to get to know the real you "He stated pushing his hair from his view

I returned my gaze to Alexis. "It's more of a defensive mechanism to safeguard myself from being hurt and having my heart crushed again. The less people I let in, the less likely I am to be hurt. I suppose I do it to protect myself "I just shrugged. 

"Why?" he asked again, nodding.

I shifted my gaze to him. "At this point, do you just want my entire life story?" I queried cynically, but he eagerly nodded, oblivious to the fact that it was a very sarcastic, and rhetorical question. I sighed deciding to feed into his curiosity

"My father had a repair shop that did just enough to sustain him, my mother, my younger sister, and me. I went to a public school and met Zach and Zaria, who lived a somewhat more comfortable life than I do. When my father's business failed and we had to sell everything, they attempted to help, but there was only so much they could do. We went without food and wore old clothes on most days. A lot of my 'friends' and girlfriend turned on me once I was now poor" I said keeping my gaze out the window knowing damn well he was looking at me with sad eyes.

"So, how did you wind up living such a different life? from a lower to a higher social class? That isn't necessarily simple to achieve "Enzo said. 

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