Chapter 25

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Bonus Chapter

Bryce pulls into the driveway in his red SUV first and I follow in my black one.

"What do you guys think of the new house?" I ask the kids.

"Pretty," Jana says.

"I like it." Eli agrees.

"Yeah? You guys wanna go inside?"

"Yes!" they cheer.

I turn off my car and Eli unbuckles himself before helping Jana next.

"You're such a good big brother." I smile.

Bryce meets us in the driveway with Liam. I peek into the carrier and look at his bright blue eyes and chubby cheeks. He looks so much like Eli did at that age.

"Ready to go inside?" Bryce asks.

"I guess so." I look up at our house and smile. It's a small ranch style with tan siding and dark brown shutters. Dark brown brick that matches the walkway frames the front door. "It's so pretty."

"It is," Bryce says. "And it's ours."

"This is so crazy. We have a house. We're twenty-two years old and we have a house. Four and a half years ago we were bringing Eli home from the hospital and calling a crib in the basement an apartment and now we have a house. Together. We have a house together."

"I know." He smiles. "Can we go inside now and see if we like it as much as we did when we put the offer in?"

"Hold on, I don't think I've stared at the outside long enough." I take another couple seconds to take in the way the colors of the house stand out against the green grass and orange leaves. "Okay, now I'm ready."

"Let's go."

I hold Bryce's left hand as he carries Liam in his right and we meet Eli and Jana on the front steps.

"You guys ready?" Bryce asks them as I unlock the front door.

"Yes!" Eli says. "Can I pick my room?"

"Absolutely not." I laugh. "Your father and I will decide who gets which room." I open the front door and the kids run in.

"The moving truck should be here any minute," Bryce says.

"So should our moms and my grandma."

"I'll keep an eye out."

I follow the kids inside and I look through the doorway on the right. The living room is small but large enough for a couch, coffee table, and TV. A fireplace sits on the wall opposite of me. I walk through the living room and into the dining room. It'll fit a table for six but not much more. I go through the doorway that leads to the kitchen and look over the light brown wooden cabinets and granite countertop that I fell in love with the first time I saw it.

"No, that's mine!" Eli yells.

"No fighting in the new house!" I yell back. I take a look down the hallway and see the kids darting in and out of the bedrooms.

"I want this room!" Eli points to the door on the right. The master.

"Your father and I will decide today."

"No! I'm running away!" He runs down the hall and I roll my eyes.

Another one of Eli's attempts to get his way by forcing an ultimatum: give him what he wants or he's out.

"You're gonna have to run a lot faster than that if you don't want your dad to catch you again!" I yell as he runs out the front door toward Bryce. "Speed up! Come on, Eli, run faster!"

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