Part II: V

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Family has always been the most important thing in my life. It's always had to be. From the time I was young, I was expected to be more than just the oldest child, more than just a big brother.

I used to be bitter about it. I used to hate my parents for putting their jobs on me, for leaving me to raise kids I didn't create.

And at times, I still am angry and bitter. But my family has always been my saving grace. The reason I do what I do even though it isn't my job. Taking care of my siblings has become my purpose in life. And I've become very good at it too.

Or so I used to think.

Never in my life have I had to second guess myself as many times as I've had in the three months. Never in my life have I laid awake at night and worried that I was doing everything wrong the way I had since Izzy came into our lives. The quiet, complex, sad little girl that I couldn't for the life of me understand, though not for lack of trying on my part.

I have always been good at solving problems. Always full of solutions and innovations. It's why I've been so successful in running my father's business. And yet, Izzy seems to be the one problem I can't solve no matter how hard I've tried.

"You think she's okay? Like, okay?" Jace asked as we stood together outside, watching our brother guide Izzy into the cabin before the poor kid froze to death. I was glad he had taken her in. The last thing she needed was to get sick right now. She was having a hard enough time already with everything else she has to deal with.

I sighed and swung one of the duffle bags Jace had dumped on the driveway onto my shoulder. "I have no clue." It was the truth. I had no idea if she was okay. She kept saying she was, but if there was one thing I'd learned about Izzy in the last three months, it would be that there was hardly a time when Izzy wouldn't say she was okay. Even when we could all see she was anything but. She was afraid to not be okay. That's what Daphne had told me during Izzy's session a few days ago, and there was no doubt in my mind that she was right. Daphne had been a godsend in dealing with my sister in the last few weeks. She was so insightful and smart. And she understood things in a way I didn't. In a way I wished desperately I could.

"Me neither," Jace muttered. Finn and Emma bickered behind us. Liam and Henry talked in hushed voices on our other side. Nolan leaned against the car, a small smile on his face as he typed something into his phone. The one earbud he had in told me he was probably fiddling with his music, as he had been doing almost constantly since he was a teenager. Nolan was an easy person. He always had been. All he needed to be happy was an iPod and to be left alone by the rest of us. He was simple. And most of the time, I was sure he was the only one in our screwed-up family.

"She doesn't seem like she is though." Jace sighed deeply, eyes glued to the front door even though it had long since shut behind our siblings. I could tell by the look on his face that Jace was worried. He had been since we left Harlan this morning. I wasn't sure what he was so worried about just yet, but I intended to find out soon.

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