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*•*•*•Like pot?•*•*•*

Status: Not Edited

"Hey princess, how are you?" Chase asks opening the door to the dorm, and I groan feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. The room was pitch black as I requested and I was curled up in a fetus positing as waves of cramps come and go. Late last night I texted Max and told him that I couldn't make our date today so we rescheduled.

I was currently laying in my bed dying. And so now you're up to date.

"Well I'm DYING!!" I say and sniffle. He enters the room and closes the door. I feel more tears roll down my cheeks and he squats down in front of my bed. I move over when I see that he's gonna sit down on my bed.

"C'mere." He says and I scoot closer to him and he hugs me. We were in that position for a while until there's a knock at the door. Fucking hell I was almost asleep. Chase stands up and opens the door.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Max ask from the other side of the door. No, leave, I already cancelled our date.

"Last time I checked I was the one that lives here."

"I know but where's Maddie?" Bitch I already told you that I couldn't make it. Why are you here?

"She's sleeping she had a rough night."

"Is she okay?" Nope. I'm dying.

"She will be."

"Okay. Tell her that I hope she gets well soon" He leaves and chase comes back, squats in front of the bed again, while I sit up. I take a sip of my water and lay back down. God I'm so tired.

"You going to sleep again?" I nod and he goes to his desk. I'm guessing to finish some assignments. I wonder why he's being like this. How does he know exactly what I need? Well I'm not going to question him because he's being nice.


"Wake up." Chase says nudging and I turn over.

After I woke up I went to the bathroom and after I went to the bathroom I decided to shower so I grabbed my stuff from the dorm and took one. After that I just laid in bed unable to sleep, so I decided to watch The Vampire Diaries. A couple of minutes after that I fell asleep. And now someone is disturbing the beauty sleep that I clearly need. I know it's Chase, and he knows who he is waking up, so he should know that I will have his head if he tries to wake me up again.

"Wake up." He nudges me again and I'm officially awake.

"What?" I groan about to roll over but he grabs my hands.


"What hour is it?" I squint my eyes trying to adjust to the lights of the room.

"It's 10:45. Now c'mon." He says pulling on my arms. I look out and see that the sky is pitch black. So it's 10:45, just not a.m. it's fucking p.m. I'm going to kill him.

"No." I say and glare at him.

"Why not."

"Because its 10:45."

"Yeah so." He shrugs his shoulders.

"P.M.!!!" I scream pointing out the window to show him the pitch black sky.

"I'm aware." He says and I swear I'm going to jump out of bed to murder him.

"P.m. means post meridiem, that means after noon or night, and that means let me sleep." I turn over.

Rooming with ChaseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz