Chapter 7.6

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A droning sound in the sky drew Selena's attention. A small plane was approaching. She watched it swoop down over the main building of the resort guessing it would land on the airstrip in the other side of the road.

"The charter place from St. Thomas," murmured Ben. "I hadn't realized Heather was expecting more guests. The season is practically over. She's planning to leave for the States at the end of the month."

"And take the piece of loot with her, I suppose," remarked Selena drily. "If I did go to the authorities with a story about the box, what would she do, Ben?"

"She would tell the world that we had been in a conspiracy with her late husband to hide the treasure." His thin lips tightened into a bitter line. "And that would be true of me if not of you, because I agreed to do what she asked. She says, she would blacken all our reputations, mine, yours, John Claes's, Keith Walker's, Gary's, Max's, sat we had conspired to defraud the island government as well as her."

"But would anyone believe her?"

"I'm afraid they would. She has the government superintendent for this island in the palm of her hand. The business she brings to the island in the way of tourists, spirts fishermen and, probably in the future, divers, is very necessary to the economy. Without the fee resorts like this one, there would be no work for the local people. Oh, yes, Heather would be believed and we would appear as desperate pirates, out for what we could get in the way of treasure and no better than Daniel Walker who looted the Santiago and scuttled her."

"Keith is really a descendant of Daniel," Selena said. "He told me that the story of the loss of the Pelican soon after the Santiago had been looted is among the records of his family. If it could be proved that the wreck on the other side of the reef is the Pelican, could he and his brother lay claim to the treasure?"

"I don't really know. I wouldn't think so. Daniel stole those valuables. They really belong to the Spaniards who were on the galleon or were waiting for them to be delivered. Now they belong to whoever finds them and the government of the islands."

They were both silent for a while. Selena thought of Keith saying he would tell John Claes about the box in the wreck and leave John to deal with it. What would John do? Supposing, he wasn't a party to Heather's scheme to keep the treasure for herself? Would he go to the government and blurt out the truth, risk all their professional reputations?

"So what are you going to do, Selena?" Ben asked.

"Nothing," she replied, as Keith had five to her, and smiled. "At least, not yet. I'll wait until John Claes comes and see how he reacts. If he was with Louis Langdon when he found the treasure, he could be in the conspiracy with Heather, couldn't he? And that would account for her disappointment when Keith came with the ship instead of John."

"Yes, I suppose that's a possibility," said Ben. Again he looked very relieved.

*A/N: Please my patron in Patreon and read chapters in advance. My other works are also available there. Or if you just want to support me. Please look for creator Zetar086.
Love lots ♥️

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