The Party.

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~Chapter 10~

Violets P.O.V

I was driving down the street that the pack house was on with Lydia beside me in the passenger seat. Once we got there I parked my truck beside another vehicle in the packs huge driveway. You could hear some music coming from the house, it wasn't 'party party' loud. But I didn't care anyways, I honestly just wanted to get it over with.
"Maybe we'll find our mate!!" Anna said longingly.
She wanted him as much as I did.
"Possibly. But I've already been in the pack house and never got a hint of anything.." I said to her getting a little upset.
"He might have been out! Pack business? Something like that. Have hope woman!" She said back with a growl afterwards.
I nodded slightly as me and Lee walked up the narrow pathway to the house. We walked right in, after all it was our pack house. Plus my dad's Alpha so don't think I don't have proper manners! Mine and Lydia's arms were linked when we walked in. We heard a loud "Happy Birthday" That everyone shouted.

There was so many people here I almost felt trapped. I saw my father smiling. He stood out because he was the most tallest there. He came over and kissed both our cheeks and said happy birthday. Then just like that, he was gone. Probably a meeting of some sort. My dad was always busy but I didn't mind it. I understood that he had a name to live up to. I was snapped out of my thoughts when people started coming up to me one by one saying happy birthday. I bet they most of them are only doing this because I'm the Alpha's daughter. One girl came up to me and she was smacking her gum and was bleach blonde. It looked like she was wearing 50 pounds of makeup. Like how much cover up does a girl need?
"Hmm your pretty. Hello. My name is Lexi. What's your name again? Veronica?" She said in her annoying high pitched voice.
I mentally groaned.
"My name is Violet. Got that? V-I-O-L-E-T." I said pissed off.
She was already getting on my nerves.
"Oh!! It's your birthday right? Happy birthday!" She said with fake enthusiasm and a plastic smile.
"Thanks. Its my best frienda birthday too, her name is Lydia. Why don't you be respectful and pay attention to her too eh?" I said madly because she was completely ignoring Lee who was standing by my side.
"Oh.. Sorry. Hello, Lydia? Happy birthday." She said snottily because I spoke up to her.
She was probably the queen bee at school. Greatttt.

With a flick of her hair she was gone. Thank god. I hate people like that. We continued talking to other people and thanking them for birthday wishes. The part was so boring I almost fell asleep a couple times just sitting there. There was no sign of my mate and I was extremely upset.
"I would like to wish my daughter Violet and her best friend, also like a second daughter to me, Lydia a very happy birthday. I would also like to welcome them fully into the pack now that they are full werewolves." My dads voice boomed over the entire pack house making it go super quiet. My dad had a way of making a loud and huge crowd go quiet.

Everyone started clapping and cheering. I smiled and nodded up at my dad.
"You can go home now dear, I see that youbare bored and tired. Take Lydia, she's almost sleeping over there and Nick came back here to stay with his mate. Clayton is waiting at home for Lydia." Said my father through the mind link in his Alpha tone.
"Okay dad. Love you" I said thankful he was letting us go.
"Love you too hun." He replied.
I mind linked Lydia letting her know and we shouted goodbyes and left the house. We hopped into my truck and pulled out of the driveway and drove home as fast as we could. So much for getting dressed up for our mate.
"We'll find him soon." Anna said to me. He voice sounded a bit hurt.

We got home and I was exhausted. For no reason! I did nothing today. Plus I had a nap. I got in and saw the time on the clock in the kitchen. It said it was 11:30pm. We were only there for an hour? Wow. It felt like hours! I guess I was really bored.

I heard running and then Clayton appeared right in front of us. He gave me a hug and said goodnight and suddenly picked up Lydia and carried her to bed I believed. I laughed and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a can of Mountain Dew pop and a bag of Dill Pickle chips. I went up to my room after turning everything off downstairs. I closed my doorband turned on my T.V. and put Netflix on. I paused the movie 'Frozen' and went into my bathroom with a pair of shorts and a tank top to change into for bed. I quickly changed and brushed my hair then braided it down my back. I turned the light off in my bathroom then walked back into my room, turned the light off, played the movie and sat on my bed. My big flat screen T.V. was bright enough to light up my room. While watching the movie I ate my bag of chips, drank my pop, and texted some friends and family from back home. When the movie ended I turned my T.V. off and turned on my lamp. I grabbed my Harry Potter book and read for about an hour. I loved reading so much.

I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand to see its 2:00 in the morning. Holy crap! I was tired when I came up here at 11:30 but when I started watching the movie I wasn't. I realized how tired I was and got up to go to the bathroom. After doing my business I brushed and flossed my teeth and took off my make up because I forgot to do it before the movie.

I turned the light out and walked intobmy room once again and plugged my phone into my IHome and pressed play on my 'Lullaby' playlist. I'm so glad it charges my phone also. I turned off my lamp that was on my other nightstand and crawled into bed. For awhile I just laid there listening and humming along to the music/melody of whatever song was playing.

But soon I drifted off to the song When You Can't Sleep At Night by Of Mice & Men and my thoughts disappeared into thin air as I dreamt of finding my mate.

*Authors Note.*

Heey guyss :3 Here's another chapter for you's. I hope you enjoy it. It's not long but its something right? I'll have another chapter up by tomorrow. Have a good night/day wherever you are! Don't forget to comment, vote, share, and follow! Tell you friends about this book too!! :D Sorry for any mistakes!!!

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