Cнаpтёя Tщёптч-Ѳпё

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A week and a half later

I haven't spoken to him in a week and I don't plan to. He's so fucking ugh. I can't stand him sometimes.

He's just so uptight and confusing. How can you act like my nigga and then act like some bitch. Russians man. There confusing.

It's because I'm black. I went through his insta and all that. It's Aryan girls all over. I'm just some random blackie.

I mean I can see why he likes them though. There so perfect. With their blonde hair and blue eyes, perfect white porcelain skin. The doll like features.

Honestly what does he want with me, when he clearly has a type. Why am I even thinking about this.

Fucks sake. I need smoke a fat blunt and call it a day man. I have been working all week to occupy myself and now I'm just exhausted.

I feel like a puddle of goo. I need a massage so bad. I need to get layed as well. I need so much shit right now.

I go to my room and look for my little container to see if I had any buds left. It was empty. Couldn't life get any worse?

I went to go look for my phone to call Sasha. I found it and dialed for Sasha. The phone rings and eventually she picks up.

"Sashyyy, I ran out of weed. I beg send me that guy's number," I whined.

"You need more weed again Aliyah? Didn't you pick up like three days ago?" Alexei sighs.

"Alexei? Why do you have Sasha's phone and yes I did, but I finished it," I answered.

"You're both do the same thing, doing shit to avoid your problems. Have you checked up on Kazimir?"

"I don't need to, he a big man. He's ten years older than me, so I don't think I really need to."

""You should, he's being different and everyone can tell. The whole house can, you fucked him over," Alexei says.

"I fucked him over? Is that what he told you, because it's the opposite way around," I yelled, slightly.

"I don't the know the story, but something happened. Just check on him, he's not listening to me or anyone else. I'm going to send you an address and some more details," Alexei informs.

"It's pointless," I said.

"Just in case you still want to go and I will have someone bring you good amount, so you can stop calling," he says.

"Thanks Alexei."

"Yeah, you're welcome monkey."

"Fucking racist, I dare you to call Sasha that sand watch her beat your ass up," I laugh.

"I will think about it, bye."

"Bye cracker."

I hung up the phone and sighed. This going to really stress me the fuck out. A message pops up and it's and address with a time on it.

What even is this? Does he have some secret house that he goes to or what? Whatever I'm not going.


I look up at the high rise building. It's penthouses. He does have a secret home to go to besides that big ass mansion.

I enter and there security guards in every corner, so this was luxurious. Of course it is, this is Kazimir I'm talking about.

I walked to the elevator, but got stopped by a security guard.

"Ma'am you can't enter without permission and proof of Identification," he says.

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