Chapter 7

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I made a very discusted face as I watched them, but then I turned away and walked up to the store with my puppy in my arms. I looked at her she was dirty so i put her in the grooming so that while she was getting pretty I would be able to get everything for her that I needed.

I walked up and down all the rows, I picked out a bed for her a big blanket, feeding bowls, treats and a few guide books to teaching puppys and other things. I had been in there for an hour and a half and the only thing that I hadnt gotten was a name picked out for her and tag for her.

I looked around and found a little tag machine, so I picked out a little heart shaped tag and put on the first name that I could think of. I think I will name her Lilly. By the rime I was done with that it was time to get her out of the groomers.

I payed for all the stuff that I had in the buggey and then went and got Lilly and payed for all the grooming she got down When I got back to my car both Sean and Hector where asleep and had their shirts off. Okay so they were hot! but they were gay!

I got into my car and went back to my new home, when I got there I woke up Sean and Hector and they helped me carry in all the things from my trunk and the back seat up to my room.

When I went in the house I saw that all the guys were finally up and that they were all having major hangovers. They all staired at me as I walked in, I mean I was still in my white tank top and blue jean short shorts. I just smiled at them and they all groaned when they tried to smile back.

I wnet upstair to find that the whole room was empty and all of Kyle's stuff when in the other room. Great I had all the stuff that I needed but a bed! fuck!

"Amber!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs

"In the kitchen!" She yelled as I ran into one of the boys.

"Oh I am so sorry." I said as I got up off the floor and dusted off my my butt.

"its okay darling." Said the boy that I ran into he had a country acsent. We arent even in the country! but he sound so hot!

I smile at him and walk on by "Amber?"

"Yes, sweetie?" She said as she dung through the fridge.

"I was wondering doyou have another bed? or will I have to go buy one?" I asked looking at her and seeing all the guys reflection in the glass that was near me.

"Damn, Beth your going to have to get one." She said as she thought about it. "The other boys bed are in storage."

"Okay." I say as I walk out of the kicthen. "Sean! Hector!"

"Yeah!" they both say as the ran down the stiars. "I need your help."

"With?" Sean said looking at me.

"I need to get a bed."

"You can always sleep with me." Kyle said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Kyle get the hell off of me!" I scream at him.

"Fine, but my offer still stands." H said with a playful smirk on his face.

"Can I borrow your truck?" I asked as I turned to Kyle and gave him my best puppy pout.


"I need to put my new bed in it."

"Fine, but dont scratch it." He said as he tossed me the keys to his truck. I smile and go to kiss him on the cheek but it kind of doesnt work because he moved his face right at the same time and our lips kind of met.


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