Epilogue: Logan and May

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Logan POV

"Daddy! Amy hit me!" My youngest son says as he points to his oldest sister

"Amy, did you hit him?" I ask the little girl. She avoided my glare as she looked around the room

"I did hit him...but he bit me," Amy finally says

"You said you wouldn't tell," My son says looking at me with puppy dog eyes...that might work on your mother...but not me.

"Fair game then," I shrug as they looked stunned.

A punch in the face for a bite sounds fair.

"Now, are both you alright?" I ask as they both nod.

"Continue playing then, just don't hurt each other," I tell them as they run through the house

"And no running!" I yell as they slow to a walk.

These kids made me grow up fast.

I wasn't always the brightest kid in my late teens, but after May and I brought Amy into this world...I changed for the better.

I'm a stay-at-home Dad. May has an amazing salary at a big company so Money isn't an issue.

(Y/N) makes fun of me all the time for it. But I think he secretly respects it.

"Daddy! Look at the Unicorn!" Our 2nd daughter asks.

Her name was Payton. Oh, I forgot to mention my boy's name, he is John.

Together, Amy, Payton, and John were all born 2 years apart from each other. Amy is 9 right now, Payton is 7, then little John is 5.

I love them all a lot. They are literally my world now.

"Did you draw that?" I ask Payton as she nods cutely...she looks just like her mother. Amy and John took after me more than they did to May.

"Wow, you should be an artist when you grow up," I say as she smiles wildly

"Who is that?" I ask as I notice a person riding on the unicorn

"That's you, daddy, Uncle (Y/N) said you used to ride unicorns!" She says excitedly...(Y/N)...I'll kill you one day

"Yep, Daddy sure did," I say as she starts firing questions at me.

I told her the fictional story of when I found a unicorn in SAO. It didn't happen but seeing her eyes light up made it worth the little lie.

"I'm home!" I hear May shut the door.

"Mommies home!" I hear all three kids as they storm the front door.

"Let mom get in the house," May says as I see her struggle to take her shoes off with the kids surrounding her

May finally breaks through and heads to me

"How was your day?" I ask as she pulls my chin up and kisses me.

"No kissing!" Payton says as she separates

"Mommy can only kiss me," Payton declares as May and I laugh.

"I'll give you one too," May says as she picks her 7-year-old daughter up and kisses her on the cheek.

Payton giggles a little before I notice John is tucking at my shirt

"I want some kisses too," he says teary-eyed

"Of course," I say picking him up and doing the same thing that May is doing

Amy looked a little sad.

"Come here," I tell my oldest as she joins our party.

We ended it with a tickling fight.

I just love my children's laughs as I torment their weak spots.

"Uuhh, it was a hard day," May says once we finish all of our fun. We were sitting on the couch

"That jerk Denny must be back I guess," I say as she laughs

"You know me too well," she says as she rests her head on my shoulder.

May has only gotten more and more beautiful as she aged...or maybe it's because I love her more every day

We cuddled for a little bit, and then I made dinner once I see that May had fallen asleep.

"What's for dinner today daddy," all the kids say in unison.

"I was thinking Mom's favourite," I say as they suddenly jump and cheer.

"Ribs! Ribs! Ribs!" They chant over and over as I chuckle

May LOVES Ribs. And after a tough day, I'll make some for her.

Luckily , I had only gone shopping today, so the ribs weren't in the freezer for long.

I cooked them, and from a stroke of good luck, she woke up as soon as they were ready

"Smells good," she says as her hair is all messed up from sleeping on the couch

"I hope it tastes good too," I say as she laughs.

I watched my whole family eat the food that I cooked.

Honestly, there isn't a happier feeling.

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