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"Soon we don't have time, Mr Levi what are you doing? Don't put it there!!" Our VP's voice bellowed in our department.

"What a crazy witch?" Zach muttered with a face laced with irritation.

"I agree." I whispered back as I was passing him the banners to hang them up.

"I'm tired guys, why is she making us do these things. " Kate groaned in frustration from beside me, she was cleaning the tables.

"Because today our beloved owner slash CEO is paying a visit to his abandoned office and she needs our lair immaculately perfect." I said dramatically with a pause and was about to continue when Kate narrowed her eyes and suddenly asked.

"What are you wearing tonight for the party?"

"Don't know?" I shrugged.

"Mr Young, Miss Miller and Miss Nolan, what are you'll doing there, there's no time for chit chat." with a murderous glare, she yelled at us .

She threw some posters and banners at our hand "hang and stick them up there." she said pointing towards the empty white walls.

When she strolled away from us, we all three groaned in frustration and started hanging them up.

Well, today is the 25th anniversary of our company, which is in Manhattan, New York and also happens the day that our boss is paying a visit to one of his companies in states.

Our CEO slash owner of all the SDC companies in United States lives in Hawaii and our main company branch is in Hawaii.

Weird right..

Well, most of the companies have their main branch in New York but ours is in Hawaii. People say that our boss don't like pollution and population so he stays in that island.

We have many branches across the states like West Texas, Florida, California, Washington and many more. In so many SDC companies around the states, no one has ever been appointed as a CEO, instead we have only one CEO and that is Harold Kingston, he also happens to be the board member and he himself selected him as the CEO of entire SDC companies. Only the Hawaiian branch has a CEO present in the company and the other companies have the COO to rule. Our CEO barely visits his other companies, maybe he trusts his COO alot. Our COO is an old man in his early fifties, Mr Frank Lee, who is our boss.

It's also weird, right.

Well, many say that Harold Kingston is cold hearted, sinfully handsome billionaire, and no one should ever cross their paths with him because he's dangerous. Well they are rumours, I don't know whether it's true or not.

He's twenty seven and at a very young age he inherited the entire SDC branch from his mother, who died...

"DONE!!!" VP's screeching voice pulled me out of my trance.

"Almost!" we three flashed a sheephish smile as she threw us a disgusted glace and walked away.

We in return rolled our eyes and stuck our tongues out at her back.

She's a real bitch..

After the stressful session with our VP, making us clean tables and hanging those banners.

Kate, me and Zach were sitting in cafeteria and having our lunch.

"My shoulders are strained because of doing so much of work." Kate groaned

"Me too." I said while massaging my shoulders.

"So what about tonight?" Zach asked changing the subject.

Suddenly Kate brimmed with excitement forgetting about her shoulders.

"Actually I've selected two dress for myself, one is blue and the other one is hot pink, among both I don't know what to wear." She gave us a huge grin as she was really excited for tonight's party.

"I think you should wear hot pink one, you'll look hot in that." Zach suggested, slurping his drink

"Even I suggest you hot pink one." I said while having a bite of my burger.
"Well I'm more excited to see Harold Kingston for the first time."

My luck is very good to me, as soon as I finished my degree, I gave interviews in many company including the SDC and I couldn't believe that I got selected by the SDC company.

Duh, it's a dream job for everyone because the salary in here is very high..

It's been a year since I joined this company and I have never seen Harold Kingston for real. Obviously I've seen him in pictures or magazine covers.

"Oh!! He's drop dead gorgeous." Kate winked.

"Have you seen him for real?" I asked Kate.

"No it's my first time too" she muttered.
"He's is called an actual man, so handsome, so perfect. Oh my god!! I'm gonna pass out" she fanned herself while I smiled and Zach just rolled his eyes.

"He's not that handsome!" Jealousy Zach muttered.

"Every jealous men say that while every hot women say the otherwise." Kate stuck her tongue out.

"Have you seen Harold Kingston for real?" I turned my attention to Zach.

"Nope and I'm not even interested in seeing him for real." Zach exasperated.
"Let's talk about something else."

"Like what?" Kate asked.

"Like about..... your dress!" Zach grinned and suddenly Kate smiled and started talking about her tonight's hot pink dress.

During our lunch we discussed about tonight's party like,

what to wear and how will the arrangements and set up would be?

After lunch, again we had a terrible session with our VP.

She made us hang the posters and banners and finally our department was immaculately perfect and that's when she left us, to go home.

As soon as I reached apartment, I landed on my couch to take a nap.

Today was an exhausting day..

I'm really excited for the party and I'm gonna fully enjoy it and have fun. After all it's the twenty fifth anniversary of SDC.

But like everyone even I had one thing in my head,

How would the party be...


Hi guys, first chapter of my third book, I'm really excited to share it with you'll.

Hope you'll liked the first chapter ❤❤.

Thank you for reading and have a good day.❤

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