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Word Count: 1941

(suggestive content below. Read at risk!)


Mercifully, Stace didn't make me say goodbye to any of the Nobles.

The moment we left, I could finally let out a deep sigh of relief. Stace transported us to a nearby train station, claiming boarding one would be the best way for us to see the sights of Territory Three. I haven't complained once since we boarded, just grateful to be away from all the Nobles. Especially Larsen.

"The view just keeps getting more beautiful the further along we go," I marvel, nose pressed against the glass, my breath fogging across the surface.

Territory One vanished quickly, the train tracing the border of Territory Two before we officially entered Three. At first there wasn't much to see, just thick pines that eventually tapered out to reveal a horizon smothered by magnificent mountains, all snow-capped and mesmerising. Back home, it snowed constantly, and yet we had no looming mountains to gaze at.

This place is like a dream.

"I figured you would like to see as much of the Territory as possible, and this is the best way," Stace nods, back against the glass as he opts instead to view the other occupants of this train, each passing by the common area we dwell in currently.

I try not to notice the way their eyes linger on Stace, most too cautious to hold his gaze for more than a moment before rushing off, while others stare at him like he is an intricate painting. None have had the nerve to approach him, thankfully. I can't imagine how strange it is for these people to see the ruler of Territory Two on this luxury train heading into Three.

"Is it just mountains?" I ask, wishing I could see the other side of train from here. I have the impression we are travelling through a relatively flat valley, but once we reach the main town set there may be nothing around us but mountains, and one escape.

"Almost all of the Territory, which is a large one, is made up of mountain ranges," Stace affirms.

I wrap my arms around myself, as if the ice kissed wind from outside could reach me in this warm carriage. "I like it, but I couldn't imagine living here."

"You must be exhausted from all you've been put through these past few days," Stace exclaims, a worried gaze tracing me. "You should spend the rest of the day resting.

"Yes. I think it will be an early night's sleep for me tonight," I sigh. But not after spending the entire rest of this day staring out the window, at the wondrous mountains that are almost too stunning to be real.

No, I couldn't live here. But then again, I don't know where I belong anymore.


A knock on the door rouses me from a half slumber.

I had been true to my word that I desired nothing more than an early night's sleep, and with no windows in my intimate cabin, velvety crimson walls and a deliciously comfortable bed, it hasn't been hard to find sleep. Now I rub my eyes, sore after staring at the pristine white mountains all day, wandering tiredly to the door.

Stace stands with his hands inside his pockets on the other side, looking at me past a fringe of curly dark hair, eyes consumed with a flurry of emotions I can't decipher.

"I was wondering if we could talk," he murmurs quietly.

My throat is dry as I nod mutely, opening the door wide enough for him to come through. Suddenly all the desire to sleep has seeped out of me and into a puddle at my feet, something about Stace visiting my cabin at night by himself stealing away any fatigue.

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