18| Right Decision, Wrong Moment

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We head out of the forest in an almost line, me bringing in the front besides Morgan and just slightly behind us Cedric, watching our backs. I try to keep my eyes ahead watching the trees as we make our way towards the school and the sounds of other teenagers laughing but my eyes keep on straying over to Morgan, the red color of her hair seeming to set the forest on fire around us with each swing. I can't help the smile from spreading onto my face even as she turns to me with a glare. She's beautiful, too beautiful and so filled with fire and burning that even though I know I will get burned from her I don't care. I don't mind the heat, I think watching the way her eyes can't seem to stay on my face and slowly slide down to my bare chest. It sends a hum of approval through my body and I hope she can't hear the way my wolf is practically purring from the way her eyes watch me. When her eyes find mine again I send her a wink. It doesn't break through her glare.

Morgan rolls her eyes at me before turning her head back to the front just as we step out of the cool forest air and into the shining sun. It doesn't change the temperature much but I can feel the hopeful sun trying to shine on my chest. I blink past the slightly too bright light and into the grounds of the school. A gasp comes from beside me, Morgan, as she notices every single eye in the fields today turning to look at us. Most of their expressions are too far away to see what they're thinking but I know even without the werewolf heightened vision.

Because while it's not unusual for the wolves and witches to talk and interact it is practically against everything we know for a wolf to invite and initiate a witch into the pack. My worry fills my stomach and a frown settles my mouth downwards.

Was this a mistake? I ask myself, this might change things too quickly, it might ruin the small foundation that Annie and this school have put down for all supernatural beings. The vampires might see this as a threat to them and then we will be thrown into a war so unnecessary and stupid but ultimately all my fault.

My eyes turn ready to tell Morgan that it was a mistake to let my fears and worries cloud my judgment and make me the small puppet in this awkward in-between of wars but then my eyes find Morgan with that steady glare still on her face as she looks at every single student on the lawn. She glares at them down, she doesn't regret or change her mind. She makes sure everyone here knows that she's made her decision and she's sticking to it.

My frown lifts, getting Morgan to join the pack - either officially or unofficially - was the right decision and I will stick by it every step of the way.

Feeling proud I look over at Cedric wondering if he's thinking the same thing about our decision but his eyes aren't on me or the crowd there watching Morgan and I know the look inside his eyes, complete and utter awe at the woman in front of him. I've never seen him look at anything like this before and with a crack, something pushes down hard in my chest. I've felt it so many times that I don't even need to think about it, guilt pushes heavy in my chest right up against my heart.

I open my mouth ready to say something, anything to obliviate this feeling but nothing comes out. I watch helplessly as the pair stand there. I welcome the interruption as one of the smaller members of the pack comes rushing over to us. I turn with a sigh.

"Lucian." The boy calls me before he even gets anywhere near us. I wave at him but I feel awkward doing it and I regret it instantly. My hand falls to my side.

"What's wrong, Ethan?" I ask when he finally stops in front of me, his eyes look at Morgan probably sensing or already hearing her new place in the pack. He smiles and nods his head towards her before turning to me.

"Mr. Hunt asked me to get you from your workout. The meeting is about to begin." He's just slightly out of breath so I know he ran all the way from the offices inside the main building. I sigh before patting him on the shoulder.

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