Chapter 18: Shocking!

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Set the scene.
A beautiful campfire date.
A man and a woman laugh and smile at each other.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure to talk to!" The man says to the woman, smiling and drinking champagne. 
"And I to you! We've gone through the entire bottle, again!" The woman said, picking up the bottle and throwing it behind her.

"By the way, I haven't gotten your name! We spent the entire day together and you haven't said who you were! So what's your name?" The woman asked him, as he rubbed his neck and chuckled.

"My name is Kitsune Kibou."

Back in current time..

I felt something, like an eel sliding through the wall next to me and into my finger. It coiled around my legs while more eels coiled around my arms and, eventually, I fell. 

I couldn't see the ground. 
I couldn't feel anything. Not even the wind I should be feeling. I fell from 2 stories, I should feel somethi-

I opened my eyes. It's not the Kibou castle, it's.. something else. It's dark, but it's also warm. I picked myself up and looked around, and saw myself at the bottom of a hill. 

Where am I? 

Whoa, the voice in my head is so loud. I picked myself up and noticed the floor was.. stone. Where AM I? 

I walked up to the hill in front of me, as the grass turned to stone stairs. I climbed up the stairs and waiting at the top for me.. was someone I didn't expect to see. 

"Hey, Kamaye." Momoru said to me, sitting in front of the pillar at the top of the stairs.
"Momoru? Do you know where I am?" I asked him, as he chuckled and stood up. 

"You and I both know where you are, on the ground."

"Huh? What does th-"
Momoru points down at a man on the floor, with white hair. He isn't moving, and he's wrapped in eels, who 

"Who's this?"
"You're not that dense, are you? It's you. You know you've been shocked, so why are you pretending it didn't happen?" Momoru asked me, putting me on the spot.

"I don't understand."
"Sure you do. We're in your mind, you can't convince me, because you can't convince yourself." Momoru said, as I stood, confused.

"What are you trying to s-"
"Why do you bother bottling up your feelings? For my sister's sake? You aren't helping anyone, man. You wanna know how we feel?" Momoru said, facing me and towering over me. 

"It hurts like this every time you decide to be selfish."

Momoru poked my chest.
Suddenly, I felt a shock run through out my entire body. I felt myself fall onto the ground, facing up at Momoru. I couldn't move a muscle.

"Nothing I say will get to you, will it? You're just too stubborn to accept help when you're offered it. You aren't helping anyone, and you sure as fuck aren't helping yourself. This'll just keep happening until eventually you accept what you need." Momoru says, pointing to the wall beside us.

There stood.. me. Me getting poked to the ground, over and over again in a line. I felt my body go limp.

"Why do you think I sent the guys after you? Because I didn't think you were capable of protecting my sister. You didn't accept that fact, you didn't try to better yourself after I sent them. You weren't fueled to fight because you wanted to better yourself, you were fueled to fight because you just wanted some blood on your hands. And that's exactly why you aren't fit to date my sister. You'll keep protecting her from danger YOU started, because YOU were too selfish to be the bigger man." Momoru said, picking me up and throwing me forward. The Kibou Castle began to fade from my sight, swallowed by darkness.

"What about it? I get it, I'm stubborn. Why bring it up now?"
"Because you need to stop being stubborn and accept ONE thing." Momoru said, pushing me further into the darkness. 

Momoru followed behind me, as I kept walking forward. I looked down at my feet, still nothing to be felt. I walked forward and kept walking, being cautious as to the surroundings around me.

Suddenly, I felt something punch my face. It was as cold as concrete, hurt like a stone to the face.

"OW! What the hell..?" 
Tsuyo, the thug, came out of the shadows, injured like I saw him in the museum.
"You gonna punch him, Kamaye? You think he did something wrong, or do you think you deserved that sucker punch?" Momoru asked me, as I put down my fist.

"Yeah.. Maybe that one's on m-"

I felt something hit my crotch, as I fell to the ground.

"RRGH.. Come on!" I said, as I looked up to Fuben above me, with a knife in his thigh. 
I stand up and adjust myself. Fuben walks past me and Momoru keeps following.

Sadao appears in front of me, but I tense up my body so I wouldn't feel his punches as much. 

"So quick to resort to violence.. are you not ashamed of such a violent nature?" He says to me, before walking away.
Momoru walks away from behind me, turning around following Fuben.

I keep walking forward, fearing who could be next.
I can't see anything in front of me.
I can't see anything behind me.
The floor is way too dark to see anything under me.

I can't..


"Hello, Kamaye! Good to see you here! Come here, let's talk." My mother said to me, as I walked up and sat next to her.
"How have you been?"

"I'm dreaming right now. Either that or I'm in shock." I said to her, as she chuckled.

"Kamaye, remember when I said to never give up on the ones you love? It's because I did that to someone." Kamaye's mom said to me, as I turned to her.
"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Accept it."

Kamaye woke up, his arms and whole body aching in pain. The castle began to crumble above him, as he pushed off a large piece of steel off of his body.

He walked out of the castle and saw Momoru and Sadao outside.

"You know NOTHING! You don't know why he's chasing after you, do you?" Sadao asks Momoru.
"What are you getting at?"

"One of you is the heir to the Kibou fortune, or the fireball in the goddamn sky."

"AND I KNOW WHO IT IS." I shouted, standing up from the rubble and walking to the two.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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