31| Nyx

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They weren't supposed to lose. That wasn't part of the plan. But as I watched Ravenwood score one last goal before the timer went off, I knew it was over. One point ahead. One damn point. It didn't help that everybody seemed to be caught in their own world. Perhaps the long break had been too much. Sebastian and Zeke weren't able to gel well this match, almost as if they could sense their captain's unease. Their footwork was sloppy, and they missed a few passes.

Jasper had been worried about me for a while now, I knew that. I wasn't behaving normally, too stressed about the shit show that was my life. One thing I'd forgotten about was that I had more people who cared about me now. So when I began acting off, Jasper picked up on it, and it showed during his performance tonight. His distraction was what caused his partner, Oliver, to get slammed into the plexiglass. Of all people, I expected Grayson to remain the most focused, but even he was out of it. Throughout the game, he kept tossing glances at Annie, who sat in the front row next to me.

Her features were contorted in dismay from the moment she stepped foot into the rink. Even though I was still high on Beckham's touch, her expression was like a cold bucket of water being poured over me. At first, I'd wondered if it had something to do with the girls, but she assured me they were safe with Georgia. Her voice cracked at the woman's name and I'd frowned. Everybody seemed to be out of sorts. I couldn't even bask in the knowledge that Beckham, asshole of a man Beckham Hunt, admitted that he loved me. I'd been secretly pining over him for over a year, and it was surprising that we'd gotten to this point.

I was snapped out of my daze by Sebastian slamming his locker shut. Two hours after the match had ended, and the boys were still mad. I didn't know what to say to them. It was clear they were taking this loss super hard. The look in their eyes was the same as when they lost numerous matches last year, back when Rafe was their captain. The blonde angel sighed, running a hand over his sweaty face. Grayson sent him a look that said he felt the same way. Oliver was on the bench, frowning as Jasper shrugged his backpack on. Zeke was silent, unlike himself. But it was Beckham that held my attention. He didn't look too irked about their loss. Instead, he was concerned about me.

"Losses happen," Oliver muttered, standing up and grabbing his bag. "It was one loss. We have a lot more chances to make up for it," he then glanced at me, "plus, we have the points from our events."

Sebastian nodded, listening to his teammate. "But we have to ask ourselves why we lost. Why, after so many wins, do we suddenly lose? What are we suddenly doing wrong?"

"Nothing," Beckham added, his voice guttural. "I don't want anybody blaming themselves for this," he said, making eye contact with each member of his team. It was just them in the locker room, the other teams having left long ago after a few words from Benson. "We lost. We'll just try harder next time." They stayed silent, contemplating his words. They were all still cooling down after a good lecture from Benson, and I knew they didn't need another. What they needed right now was support. As the coach, it was Benson's job to reprimand them. But Beckham was more than a captain, he was a friend. "Let's go. Movie at our place."

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