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"YOU are my assistant right, then why the hell was I not informed about this mail from my wife. Did you even check it's contents before deeming it to be unimportant.  It contains my wife's pregnancy reports and repeated requests to accompany her to the hospital. I had left my hotel's phone number with the receptionist in the office for any important messages. You had one bloody job to take care of my schedule, calls ,appointments and mails. But you went ahead and messed it up. You know what you are fired." My outrageously outraged brother growled like a wolf while shaking like a headless chicken in anger.

"S..sir it''s ...n- not my ..fault. I- " The poor man whimpered as he tried to retain his bearings.

"OH YEAH ! Then why was I not informed about this mail ." Vikram shouted and slapped his hands on the table.

That's it I need to take up the duties of Wonder Woman and save the assistant who is shivering like a bloody leaf.

"He failed to inform you about this mail because my dear sleeping beauty it is from today itself that he has taken up the responsibility of being your assistant as I fired your sham of an ex-assistant yesterday only. But leave that aside. Why are you shouting on him when you yourself failed to call her or even message her in the last two days . Oh how can you , your precious ego would have taken a fatal blow and you would have been reduced to a lesser of a man. Such a shame." I mocked him as he glared at me

"Won't you ask me why I fired your lovely ex-assistant? Well let me tell you half of your miseries are her blessings for you. " I continued to goad him . I knew that he loves Shreya very much so there must be a reason for him to behave like a lunatic although his birth certificate already certifies him as one. But then Shreya was also mad enough to marry him. Birds of a feather flock together! I am going to poke him till he is angry enough to bark out his problems.

However,  instead of shouting or glaring he rubbed his face with his one hand while simultaneously pulling his hair with the other one . And this is where the perks of knowing him from my diaper days comes in handy . Right now he was getting overwhelmed with emotions and fighting himself  from showing his vulnerability. All of my anger and annoyance flew out of the window when I took in his haggard face.

Standing straight I took in a deep breath. "Guys can you all please leave us alone I need to discuss things with my brother. "  I looked into their eyes as I spoke, relaying the seriousness of the situation. As everyone shuffled out there was only one man who managed to hear differently. Brushing a hand against his suit the royal-head ache simply crossed his one leg over the other.

Walking closer to Vikram I placed my hand on his shoulder "Is there some special procedure involved in telling a royal dude to get lost?"
Vikram raised his head and stared at me while I maintained an innocent expression. And finally his face broke into a much needed smile as the said royal dude sharpened his glare. I swear his lovely glare has not left me even for a minute since the time he has entered this room.

"Why did you do it bro? Why did you shout on her like that?" I asked him softly.

"I messed it all up didn't I? But I swear it was never my intention to shout on her like that. I was already burdened with a problem and when she just barged in like that I don't know what happened but I just lost it and poured my entire frustration on her. And you are right I neither called her nor messaged her but not because of my ego. As soon as she stepped out , I realized that I made a big mistake. And at that time I was not in the right state of mind that's why I did not follow her because I could have ended up hurting her more than mending my mistakes. And then out of anger I smashed my phone against the wall and simply drove away. I haven't been home for two days straight and I directly came here today. I guess I just shut down everything and everyone not realizing that I was hurting her so much in the process." His shoulders shook with his barely suppressed emotions as I rubbed his back to provide him comfort.  He hugged me close trying to control himself.

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