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I do not know Italian, Spanish or whatever language you will find here but my characters are multilingual apparently. Do not make fun of my google translated conversations ok? Spare me.


Faye followed me, holding our small basket as I picked items off the shelves in the small store we'd found. It sold everything we needed to lay low until Vittore decided to show up again.

"Ti piace il rosso o il nero (Do you like red or black)?" I asked Faye in Italian because when we entered the shop, it was about to close and I pretended like Faye and I didn't know English. She played along, also speaking Italian.

"Rosso," she replied and I picked out the red dye.

"Come conosci l'italiano (How do you know Italian)?" I asked her as we continued shopping. The older woman rolled her eyes.

"Se sei costretto a entrare nel mondo delle mafie, impari una o due cose per non essere fuori dal giro. Ha aiutato molto nel corso degli anni (If you are forced to enter the world of mafias, you learn a thing or two so as not to be out of the loop. It has helped a lot over the years)."

"Triste (Sad)," I said as we finally made our way to the counter. Faye just shrugged because what else could she say. She was right.

We paid for the items and Faye didn't ask me where I'd gotten the money from and I was grateful. What isn't your business really is not your business. Once everything was paid for, we got out of the store, bags in hand as we waved down a taxi. One stopped in front of us and we slid in, the whole place smelt of weed and booze.

"Can you take us to the cheapest hotel around?" I asked the driver.

"Yeah but it's going to cost ya," he replied, chewing what I assumed what tobacco.

"Whatever," I said and that was all it took for him to start driving. Faye and I were silent as he meandered through the city's roads, singing a song he knew if it popped up on the radio. The urge to kill him was strong.

I leant back in my seat, taking a deep breath. I was so fucking exhausted. My bones screamed for me to just lay down and rest but I couldn't do that right now. I tried to stay calm to prevent my heart from going haywire and making me die of a bloody heart attack.

Like surviving four years in torture and puberty didn't mean anything at all. If I died, it was going to be glorious.

The taxi finally stopped at a crappy rundown building near the edge of the city. I threw the fat pog his money and Faye and I got out and went to the building. The inside wasn't that great either. Peeling walls and the scent of cigarettes hung in the air. I walked over to the lady at the reception who was filing her nails.

"What can I help you with?" she asked obnoxiously chewing at her gum. Her voice was more high pitched than Alexa's and her aura more annoying. Speaking of Alexa. What happened to her? Eh. I don't remotely care anyway.

"A room for two," I said and she continued doing what she was doing.

"How long are you staying?" she asked.

"We don't know but we could leave sometime tomorrow," Faye said speaking up. I looked back at her with a raised brow. She was confident Vittore would find us in a day? Wow.

"That will be two fifty," the lady said and I pulled out the exact amount and placed it in front of her. She finally gazed up at me, her eyes clearly judging me but I said nothing. She reached behind her at a board filled with keys and handed me one.

"Don't fuck in the shower," is all she said before pointing us to a random direction. I glanced down the hall and just motioned for Faye to follow me which she did.

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