[four - your change]

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"how do your jeans fit you so good?"sincere sat on beautiful's bed

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"how do your jeans fit you so good?"
sincere sat on beautiful's bed.

she shrugged with a shy smile.
"i don't know."
she mumbled.

sincere fell back into beauty's bed next to remedy,as they watched her get ready for her first class.

they were both dressed and ready to go and of course she was running some what off schedule like always,but she was determined to make it to class on time.

"there is not one gap in your waist,like what the fuck. it really is not fair."
sincere complained.

beautiful laughed,not really knowing what to say.
she never really liked to talk about her body in general.

she was quite an average height, 5'9,and she had a flat stomach,with a small waist and nice legs,from years of soccer.

"okay i'm done. i'm not gonna be late,i promise."
she told them both.

they both "uh huh" before hopping up from her bed,all grabbing their bags as they head out the doors.

"my first class isn't until nine thirty,so i'm not gonna be able to meet up for lunch."
remedy told them as she typed on her phone.

"yeah same,i'm gonna be in class at eleven,and twelve is gonna be right before my next class so there's no use."
sincere shrugged.

beautiful did feel somewhat sad but she decided not to let it ruin her mood.
"it's okay,i'll find something."

"i have to go pick some stuff up from the post office after class,but i'll see you guys back here after,okay?"
remedy jumped down the steps as she approached her car.

"you know it!"
sincere opened her car door as she hopped in.
"love you!"

beautiful day in her drivers seat,pulling her seatbelt on as she looked out the window.

"love you too."
they both replied before backing out of the complex parking lot.

beautiful drive cautiously as she made it to campus in a short amount of time,walking up to her first class.

just as she entered the building her phone pinged,making her look look at the text message.

new message from Clinton

love you,you're gonna do great. have a good day ❤️

she smiled down at her phone before typing a reply,walking into her lecture hall.

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