67| It's a Universal Thing

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"Your life is far more interesting than the Kdrama I watch religiously, and coming from me, that's huge because I love it." Charlotte said as her eyes shone in admiration, and both Emilia and Elena agreed with nods.

The four of us were laying in Lucca's bed.

Emilia and I had our legs up in the air, against the wall behind the bed, while my head was on Elena's lap who was leaning back on her hands which were in a slanting position on the back slightly away from her body, while Charlotte was sitting crossed legged between Emilia and I, with her face was cupped in her hands and her elbows resting on her thighs.

The three of them were looking at me completely intrigued as I told them what had happened since last night.

All my friends surprised Lucca and I, shortly after Bryn and Rhett left for the hospital.

They wanted to know about the dinner with Aaron, and according to Charlotte the mystery was killing her since I wasn't even answering my phone.

So we have been in Lucca's room since then, while I told them about the fight at dinner, which Marco made Lucca explain to them twice with every single detail and Emilia literally fangirled over Daniel after Lucca mentioned the punch he threw at Mason.

Anyway after that I told them about the phone call with Rhett and everything that happened later, of course I didn't mention Bryn because, for one thing, I didn't know what to tell them and, for another, if Bryn was mentioned then I'd have to explain who he was, which meant I would have to tell them Rhett's story, which was obviously not my place to tell.

The boys were sitting on the floor in front of the bed leaning against it, while playing video games and still listening to my story.

Nathan and Marco were chiming in once in a while, and Lucca, on the other hand, was making fun of me and the whole situation.

Brothers I tell you—

"So can we not watch another episode of your show today, because you've already had enough drama for the day." Nathan said hopefully sounding extremely frustrated from Charlotte, who makes him watch every single episode with her.

This caused all of us to laugh as the guys slapped Nathan on the back of his head while making fun of him.

"You already know babe no Kdrama, no sex— you are free to choose." Charlotte replied, smirking at Nathan causing him to sulk back in his seat as he muttered profanities under his breath making us all laugh at him.

"So speaking of sex, when are you and Rhett going have some?" Elena asked jokingly, causing Lucca to look back at her with narrowed eyes while I stared at her in disbelief.

This caused the other boys to pause their game as they turned to look back at me curiously while I simply raised my hand to smack Elena on the back of her head making her laugh.

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