19. The Truth

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Hermione nervously stood in front of the door with Draco by her side. She took in deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves down. “H, how do you think she’ll take the news?” She asked, her hands shaking as she smoothed down her shirt.

“She’ll …” Draco stared at the door, inhaling sharply as he turned to look at her. “We should make a run for it,”

“Are you serious?”

“That’s what I’d do,” He said with a shrug, frowning deeply as he scratched his chin. “I suppose we should knock on the door,” Draco cleared his throat, knocking on the door with a heavy heart. He gulped, putting his arm down.

Hermione stared at the door and then at Draco. “Wait, maybe we should just get on our knees and beg. Or - or maybe we should tell her tomorrow!”

“No, you’re the one who said you wanted to put an end to all of this. We’re doing exactly that.” He told her in a hushed whisper, pushing Hermione’s hand off his arm. “Pull yourself together, Granger. We’re just going against my mo--” Draco immediately smiled when the door opened. “Mother!” He exclaimed happily, walking in and kissing Narcissa’s cheek.

Hermione walked in with wide eyes as she flashed Narcissa a tight smile. “Good morning,”

“Yes, good morning.” Narcissa smiled as she looked at her son. “What are you two doing here so early in the morning? I didn’t even know you’d be visiting.”

“Oh, we just … we wanted to talk to you about something.” Draco started as he sighed, pulling his mother into a side hug. “It’s urgent,”

“Is it? It’s just that I have a guest over right now and I --”

“By all means, Narcissa, go right ahead and talk to your guest. We can wait, we can definitely wait.” Hermione pulled Draco by the arm back to her side as she smiled.

“Okay, thank you, dear. I’ll try to make this quick. You two are welcome to join us - it’s Astoria.” Narcissa revealed with a wide green. “She’s so sweet, she always comes by to check up on me.” She shared, looking at Hermione with a strange glint in her eyes that said back-off-my-son.

Hermione decided to ignore it by looking away. “Well, that’s nice of her.” She said with a curt nod. “I think we’ll be fine right out here, right Draco?”

“Certainly,” Draco immediately agreed as he waited for his mother to walk back into the living room. He looked down at Hermione just as she looked up at him and their eyes locked. “We need to get out of here,” He whispered.

“Do you think she’ll notice if we just sneak out?” Hermione whispered back as they took a few timid steps backwards. “Maybe if we just make a run for it --”

“No, Granger, what are we doing? We said we’d tell my mother. We have to,”

“But maybe right now isn’t the time. We shouldn’t barge in here and make a ruckus … we should just invite her for dinner or something and ease into the conversation.” Hermione suggested with a desperate moan.

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