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Aiyana Valentino

Getting out of the car, I make my way inside the manor I once considered home.
After mom's death, everything spiraled out and our perfect little family broke down to little pieces.

Father got more addicted to work, tons lot more than he already was, in a way handling the mafia was his way of coping with her death. Work day and night to avoid the empty bed by the end of the night.

Melancholic, though it only added on to the existing rift between us. He was already hell bent on making me a part of his world, his legacy as he would call it that I had to inherit one day, albeit mom's constant arguing against it.

As I was kept away from the gore in my childhood, protected by the fearlessness of my mother's strong determination for the best for her child, I barely got to see my father as he was a busy man.

After her death, I thought he would step up, that we would finally be able to bury the hatchet between us and join forces together. That proved to be undoubtedly wrong when I had a line of nannies taking care of me appointed by the man himself.

The day I lost my mom, it felt like I lost both parents, and the dent in my heart will forever be there as a constant reminder.

I step into the manor, my guts twisting in unsettling way -I think I want to throw up- I take a deep breath to deescalate my nerves.

Passing through the living room, I greet the staff, I haven't seen them since I moved out of here a few months ago, and start making steady steps towards my father's office.

Tilting my chin up in an attempt to hide the nervousness, I force my palms straight on my pants, squaring my shoulders in a confident matter.

As I'm nearing, I hear the bounce of voices on the walls, looks like my father has company. I wonder what in the world would he want to talk to me about. There's nothing on my part.

I knock and then twist the doorknob entering, the voices stop in reaction, faces turning to the new presence.

I enter the fluorescent lit room, heavy with the tinge of Cuban cigars and whiffs of brandy smoke. I suck in the urge to pinch my nose close, or to cough in disgust.

My father is seated on a chair behind his desk, beady eyes focusing on my nearing figure, I haven't missed this face.

The scruff on his jaw is further proof that he's still immersed in his job, indeed forgetting that life does exist on the other side of his office's double wooden doors.

Across from him, my eyes drift to the other figure, Sebastian Vedora -my father's right hand man- looking as equally immersed into the conversation they were both having.

"Yes, father?" I ask in hopes of putting me out of my misery so I can finally turn back home. I'll throw my outfit in the washer with thirty different detergents to wash off the last bit of smokey smell it might've caught.

A wide smile occupies his face, he gestures for me to sit down with his hands "Come, my dear. How have you been?" He says as both him and Sebastian turn to face me.

"I'm fine. Can you tell me what's going on?" Masking the distaste as best as I can.

"All in sweet time" He says with an insinuating tone, it sends chills down my spine.

"Sebastian here, was going through with me on our plan, and it came to my attention that your presence is needed in the next phase" He starts and I furrow my eyebrows. What Plan? What Next phase?

"What plan is this? And why I haven't been a part of until now? Besides, what could you possibly need me for?" I asked genuinely confused as to what the hell is going on; call me clueless *iconic movie though*.

"Oh, you've been a very important part of this plan without even realizing it" Sebastian grins widely, proud of this revelation.

"Explain please" I say shifting my eyes between the two.

"So, you know how we wanted power right?" My father starts and I nod, eager to know where's this headed.

"One option was to make an alliance with the Russians, the other was with the Italians" Again, I don't understand why this is not old news, I was aware of the situation here when I freaking signed my marriage certificate.

"But then, what power is ever enough when it's derived from the dependency on others? And hence, Sebastian and I made a plan. It was never our intention to side with one side or the other; it was just a decoy for our plan to go through.

In order to reign alone, we had to be smart. So, that's when we sent a spy on our behalf to the Italians, convincing them it was sent in fact by Ivan.

We needed the Italians and Russians to be busy with their own war so that we can slowly make our breakthrough.

After that was successfully done, we went through with the second step; getting you to marry one of the heirs; convincing everyone with this illusional alliance, knowing a marriage leaves no room for questions or stepping back.

Now, it's time for the final step: surprise everyone and stab them in the back with a huge grin plastered on our faces, while theirs are in utter confusion".

He finishes and my heartbeat was blasting in my ears, my palms were sweaty as I scrunched the fabric of my jacket tightly to refrain from doing something irrational.

"What do you mean? I was just a pawn in this game of yours since the beginning?" I asked horrified by the possibility.

"Don't be upset Aiyana, we just did what we had to do!" Sebastian defends their actions like it provides any real consolation.

"You just used me for your own good! You tampered with my life, just for the sake of a stupid plan?" I'm running out of my mind trying to figure out who does that to their own child. Only someone sick in the head.

"Don't raise your voice! Also, if not requiring your attention for the last part, we would've gladly kept you in the dark about this whole thing. Sadly, we need you now" My father continues and I shake my head.

"What could you need me for?" Other than ruining my life that is.

"In order to outwit the Italians we need you to provide us info about few things regarding your husband's work"

"Don't you dare drag Amren into this! I will not betray my husband, no matter what!" I threaten, my pointer finger high in the air, boldly emphasizing my words.

"We'll see about that" My father says with a smirk, all I wanted to do that moment was to pounce on the table and slap it off of his face.


Remember the spy Amren killed in chapter 1?? Rings any bells?;)
Okie, who doesn't
love drama anyway? ;)

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