Chapter Six

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Things would never be normal again.

That's all I could think as I read over what the boys texted me one morning. They wanted to have dinner at my house... But asked me to invite my best friend because they knew going behind her back would be pointless. And she would find out eventually.

Their intentions for this dinner did not go over my head. Clearly they wanted me to accept this arrangement with them; whatever this was.

Insensibly, I agreed. I messaged the confirmation for dinner tonight at six-thirty. No way to take it back now. Next, I sent Nelly a message, asking her to come over tonight an hour earlier than I told the boys. Except I left out mentioning them just in case she wanted to doll herself up before skipping over here, panties already at her ankles.

Oh for crying out loud! She's my best friend, I need to get these thoughts out of my head that she's some tramp. Although, she did try to sleep with my prom date in high school. But that's ancient history.

She's changed. Right?

I shook aside such thoughts bouncing around in my numb skull. I just wasn't with it today. My schedule was all out of whack. Usually at this time I'm dressed with my hair done, ready to start my chores and then work. A little here, a little there- Just enough to pay the bills each week, treat myself, and put some in my bank savings along with everything my father left me.

That money was left untouched after my father passed away. And now that I knew it was probably 'dirty money', I may never touch it in my lifetime. Perhaps it would go to my kids and they wouldn't have to know about their old gramps' side job.

Kids. That's some far-fetched thinking right there.

Instead of starting my daily routine like normal, I decided to switch things up. First came the cleaning and tidying up around the apartment. I made a mental list of everything I would need to buy at the store. Then came breakfast, a shower, and the final touches to my appearance.

Nelly would've loved to see this; she got off on calling me Ms. OCD. So rude.

Speak of the devil and she will come, or however the saying goes. My doorbell rang at the mere thought of her. I knew it had to be her. I texted about the dinner just an hour ago so that gave her ample time to get ready and race on over.

"Dinner?" She questioned as soon as I answered the door. "Sounds so formal."

"Yeah, well." I shrugged to play it off but she crossed her arms over her chest and gave me a sideways glance.

"Does it have something to do with those guys?"

My eyes went as wide as an ant's that stumbled upon a picnic. "W-what guys?"

Nelly placed her purse on one of the bar stools and used the high chair to lean against for support. I suppose her feet hurt in those killer heels that would be a death trap for someone like me.

"You know," She started with a casual tone. "I've done some research since that night. Just dabbled in some online gossip articles and asked some friends that frequent the concert hall. I didn't like the look of those guys or how they looked at you. You'll never believe what I found out!"

She looked appalled but I could tell she was reveling in whatever juicy information she discovered about Nico and Cole. I didn't even ask her to continue because she did so after the slightest pause.

"I heard that they share women. Like. Share. In bed. They've been seen leaving strip clubs with only one woman and when I asked my friends that go there a lot, they even told me tales of being shared by them. Isn't that so weird?"

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