Chapter Fifty-six: An Island visit

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"You found her!?!?" Kimbra gasps once we entered my study. 

"I was able to find out her rough location." I waved my hand, Valerie coming over while holding a large map in her arms. I lean over the table once it was rolled out, staring at the map for a few seconds before pointing to a small island a little off the continent. "The entrance is somewhere around here."

"Ternan island." Valerie pushes her glasses back after looking at the map. "An uninhabited island with dangerous creatures that roam freely across the entire area."

"Get ready." I looked up at Kimbra. "And get the others."



I woke up to the feeling of something cold on my head. I grimaced trying to avoid another drop, which fell on my neck and raced down my warm back.

I was still in that cell, but I had no idea how long I passed out. All I could tell was that my body was extremely sore and stiff. I started to move my shoulders, hissing in pain as the muscles protested.

My arms barely moved and I could see that they were even paler then what I usually was. I paused, staring at my left arm as something glints in the dim light. 

It was a ring, a very familiar ring. My heart squeezed as I continued to stare at it. 

 Somehow, Alaric's ring had returned to me.

"I see that your awake." Radna's voice shocked my slowly forming smile off my face. I whip my head over to see him standing on the other side of the door with a leer. "Are you happy to see me?"

I clenched my teeth as I glared at him even though my body betrayed me by starting to tremble. 

The door creaks open as Radna stepped inside and forced me to look up at him. 

"I think that I quite like this look." He chuckles as his thumb brushes against my cheek. "You helpless and beneath me."

I pulled my face away, refusing to look at him and earning another chuckle.

That chuckle stops suddenly, causing me to peek out of the corner of my eye to see him staring at my left hand. I clenched my hand, but it was too late- he had seen the ring.

"How did you get this?!?!?!" He roughly grabs my wrist, separating the chain from the wall and holding me up off my feet. "TELL ME!!"

I held back groans of pain as he shook me, clearly agitated. 

"D*mn it!" He releases me and I had to quickly sit back up to be able to breathe. Radna slams his fist into the wall behind me, looking down at me as his eyes glowed menacingly.

We stay like this for a little while until his face suddenly became thoughtful.

"This might be a good chance..." He muses, pulling his hand back causing shards of rocks and dust to fall on top of me. "I didn't want to do this, since I like your fire..."

Radna kneels down next to me and forces me to look at him.

"But I need to make sure that nothing goes wrong." He grabs my head, his thumb and forefinger on my temples with his palm of his hand covering my eyes.

I tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. Dark magic started to form in front of my eyes; taking over all my senses. 



A week had passed since we boarded the ship that sailed to Ternan Island and now the island was in sight.

I stood at the bow of the ship, staring across the open ocean to the island. The captain had informed me that we should arrive by tomorrow.

"How are we going to find the entrance to the Demon Realm?" Kimbra leaned against the railing, looking at  me.

"Don't worry about that." I glanced at her for a moment. "Have you forgotten who I am?"

"Of course not." Kimbra sighs. "But Celestia is my friend. Your not the only one who is worried."

"We'll find her and bring her home." 


"It's too dangerous for us to dock too close to the island." The captain says as we neared the island, looking pale.

The island's reputation preceded itself which made it hard to get someone to take us here.

There were many tales of entire ships disappearing whenever they drew close to the island.

"This much is fine." I nodded at him before turning to look at the rest of my group. "We'll take it from here."

Reid nods at my statement and raises his staff, conjuring wind magic from the air stone embedded in it which lifts up myself, Kimbra, Nolo, Barrett and Blair.

We hung in the air for a moment, before being wisked off across the water and landing in the red sand.

The trees dwarfed us and blocked out the sun as we set out into the jungle.

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