Chapter 13 | Attraction

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Bang! Bang! Bang!...

The bashes the door was sustaining were never ending. The feeling of trepidation uneased Lorelei's entire being. Her mind was riddled with endless conjectures. Could it be the stalker who chased her the other day?

Jay held the door handle with much caution, taking into account the potential threat and keeping Lorelei out of harm's way if anything were to happen. Haltingly, he twisted the handle.

"Jay!" Yelled Hastings.

"Why were you banging on the damn door?!"

"Look, Look!" He lifted up his crossed arms, carrying a placid brown rabbit. "Isn't he just so adorable? Can I keep him?"

Lorelei let out a sigh of relief. Thank the lords and ladies of higher power that nothing disastrous happened.

"I think he likes you." She intervened.

"Can I keep him?" He pouted. Who in their right mind could say no to a pouting Ambrose?

"Of course, He isn't mine."

"Did you hear that Phil-Jay? I can keep him!"

Hastings barely recovered from his slip up but that didn't stop Lorelei noticing the mistake. Were they hiding something? After a split second, she was brought out of her thoughts.

"It is getting late, I suppose we must head back home."

"Can't we stay for a few moments longer?" Ambrose asked.

"I'm afraid not, We must attend something early in the morning."


"Shall I see you out?" said Lorelei.

"No need, Raven and Wisp are waiting leisurely outside."

"Well then, I shall wait patiently for our next meeting."

"As will we."

With that said, Hastings handed the rabbit to Lorelei as they slipped into their coats and headed to Raven and Wisp who were resting in the barn. Saying their final goodbyes to her, They headed towards the palace with a new resident, Hastings' rabbit they have named Aries.


Phillip rolled out of bed as the sun barely started to make its appearance behind the range of snow covered mountains out in the far distance.

Today, he was to dedicate his time to studying and attending meetings. His coronation was slowly creeping up on him and the thought of failing his kingdom and it's people could keep him up for days on end. The pressure of being a righteous king and the protector of his citizens irked him in trepidation.

Once he was in a more presentable and "Princely" position, He sauntered through the gallant halls, acknowledging the presence of each maid, butler or passerbys that was near his vicinity.

The Royal Library finally came into view in due time. Phillip stood at the door, contemplating whether or not entering would prove itself to be a wise decision. With one loud sigh, he twisted the swirled handle.

"There you are, Your Highness." Mrs. Geoffrey's monotonous voice echoed throughout the room.

"Good Morrow, Mrs. Geoffrey."

"Now that you have finally arrived, shall we get started?" her temper is already diminishing by each passing moment.

"We shall." Phillip settled at his desk with a straightened posture and glanced at the material he will be entertained with. The parchment paper placed before him read in bold cursive.

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