Part 21: Savior Fallen From Grace

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Hey fabulous readers, thank you for the votes and reads. I dedicate this chapter to a wonderful friend who gives me her unconditional support and always votes! :P Thank you Chikita08 for your love. ☺
Enjoy reading and vote if you like the story.☺

Brianna's POV

If courage was a two sided sword, it would cut through the thickest of shrubberies in the woods. And if compassion was a double sided sword, it could cut through the absence of courage and brighten the path. In my case, I had both for Alex. I had the courage to defend him and the compassion to find the strength for him. But it was futile without him with me. I stared at the tabloids on the internet as I sipped my coffee. I wanted to shut the screen down, but I kept staring at those blue eyes that I once saw care for myself in. He looked disturbingly sexy in that suit he was wearing in the picture. His face held a smug look like he knew I'd see this picture some day. Alex's strong arms that I loved so much were coiled around Felicity who was beaming like a Cadillac's headlights. I read the article that was classified as top news in the entertainment category.


   The country's most eligible bachelor Alexander Armenti seems to have gone off market again and who knows for how long this time. As for the ladies reading this article and sighing in despair, don't lose hope just yet. Reliable sources confirmed that  Alexander Armenti is currently involved with the sultry and beautiful heiress Felicity at the moment, but we all know the playboy tendencies our beloved Alexander holds. You may never know when he will be available and ready to mingle again. While the rumor mills ran fast on Alexander's unconventional choice of last time, we wonder if the hunky businessman has lost his touch. Rumor has it, he was dating his assistant and was also quite smitten by her. But knowing Alexander, it soon snowballed out of proportion to the point that he had to fire her. Well, it didn't take him much time in wearing his lover boots again to go with this pretty lady here. Now, we don't know whether to wish the couple good luck or go with the wishes of millions of other girls in the country. But still, we would like to wish this couple the best till the day it may work.

The incident with Dave and Alex had happened only the night before and here I am in the afternoon, reading an article about Alex and Felicity. Whatever Alex might have said, I knew for a fact that he cared about me atleast for some duration in our relationship. No one is that good an actor. Not even the great Alexander Armenti. Or maybe I wanted to believe that on some level. I wanted to believe that my attraction for him wasn't just for nothing and something that was created unknowingly by Alex during his experimenting.

As much as I wanted to put a nail through the laptop screen, I decided against it and closed the screen down. I was waiting for Chloe who was already running late. Dave was at work and Ellie had said she was interning. Dave was a lawyer in a reputed law firm and he couldn't take much leave from work. He had to go with his knuckles bruised from all the Alex beating. I had applied a little ice on his wounds that morning which helped him a little. Ellie was interning at a reputed fashion designer's boutique. I had to literally push her out of the bed to get her to leave. I cleaned the apartment after they left, made some lunch, checked my emails and had read this annoying article about Alex, but Chloe hadn't arrived at the apartment yet. Chloe didn't freak out on me when I told her everything. She told me that though she didn't know that Burke was being such a cruel witch, she figured there was something up with me. And, she immediately lent a helping hand to get out of that royal mess. I was really grateful for having Chloe by my side at such a time. Telling her everything lifted a huge burden from over my heart. She had told me that she would come by in the morning, but she hadn't come home yet and I had started to worry. I'd wait a little longer, maybe check if I had an acceptance email from the cafe I had applied to and if she didn't turn up after that too, I would call her. The cafe job I had applied to was an okay sort of job and wouldn't provide as much money as I got from being an assistant, but a girl's got to make rent. I struggled to open the laptop again, thinking of the distress the article caused me earlier.

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