1. The Royal Engagement

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"One more time!" Skylar banged the sword at her shield, taking up a defensive position.

With a curt nod, the man in front of her picked up his sword and dashed at her again. He swung his blade in a wide arc at her unprotected right side. Skylar dodged swiftly and smashed her shield to the man's shoulder. He stumbled and fell on one knee, splashing the mud all around.

"Again!" she shouted, not missing a beat.

"Skylar!" a high-pitched shriek sounded.

The warriors looked up from training grounds, covered in mud. The scream's source was a dainty little figure dashing towards them in a whirl of the lacey pink skirt. A doll-like woman's hands formed fists shaking from barely contained fury. She stopped at the edge of the muddy field and put her fists on her hips. Despite her unimpressive height, all the men gathered in the pitch cowered instinctively.

"What on all the gods do you think you're doing?!" the little woman demanded, her dark eyes throwing daggers.

"Sparring," Skylar said with a shrug, but she lowered her weapon. She smirked at her sister. "Want to join me, Rori?"

"Sparring? SPARRING? Do you have any idea what day it is? What time?"

Skylar slowly sheathed her sword and took off her helmet. Her dark hair was sweaty and clinging close to her head. She wiped it with her muddy forearm, no doubt leaving it even more filthy than before.

The stare Rori gave her expressed utter disgust. "The Royal delegation is coming to visit.  Today! There is no telling how soon they will be here. And you, young lady, look like a disgrace!"

"Ugh, I had a feeling I forgot something," Skylar muttered, handing her shield to her sparring partner. "Sorry, Dun, we'll have to finish it another time. It seems I need to go and pretend to be a lady for a while."

The man laughed. "Next time, I'll get you, Captain!"

"In your dreams!"

"Come on!" howled Rori tapping her foot impatiently. "If you are late for the feast, I swear that...."

She was interrupted by the short signal trumpet from the main gate.

"Oh no!" Rori's face paled suddenly. "Oh no, please don't let it be them... Please!"

The sound of hooves reverberated on the courtyard's stones, and an entourage of soldiers trotted towards them. At the head of the pack was a man in his late twenties, wearing a crisp red and black uniform decorated with several silver pins.

"Oh, gods. It's him!" Rori gasped. But before Skylar could pose a question about the visitors, her sister dropped her exasperated expression, putting on a mask of the beautiful lady that she was known as. "Come on, Sky. We have to greet him."

"And who is he exactly?" she asked, following her sister.

"It's HIM!" Rori hissed, careful not to crack her perfectly charming face. "The General! Gawyn Gryphonheart!"

"Oh, him," Skylar murmured when the realisation finally dawned on her. She didn't care much about politics and the long list of nobles that she was expected to know. That was mainly her sister's responsibility. But that name she did recognise, as it was the man that Rori was going to marry. She felt a little stab of guilt at the thought that she had embarrassed her older sister in public once again. But in the end, she didn't matter, so it would probably be fine.

The entourage reached the middle of the courtyard and stopped their horses. Rori stepped forward, spreading her arms in a welcoming gesture. "General Gryphonheart! It is a great honour to welcome you to our humble estate." She curtseyed gracefully.

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