Chapter 2

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Ximena was all but amused with her current situation. She couldn't help but regret accepting the date offer from the man sitting in front of her. Sure, he was fun to look it but that was the only thing remotely interesting about him, his good looks.

"...our business keeps growing everyday. I was quite close to securing some shares at Constructex but let's just say things didn't go according to plan," Logan, her date, droned on about his never ending business tales.

It took all her will power not to roll her eyes in annoyance. Ximena just nodded absentmindedly in response and continued to toss the cherry tomato's around in her salad. What a bore, she thought and sighed.

Dating was particularly difficult for Ximena Dos Ramos since her reputation preceeded her. Everyone knew who she was, even more so whose daughter she was. Most men feigned interest in her as their only true motive was to get closer to her family's immense power and fortune. Sadly, she had thought Logan Hunter was different but he was proving to be the worst of them all. Just another typical rich daddy's boy on the prowl for companies to usurp.

"So," he began and immediately Ximena knew what he was about to say next, "is your father's company selling-" but he was cut off from finishing his sentence when her phone began to ring.

She quickly fished it our of her Hermes bag and relief washed over her when she saw the caller's i.d. "Hello," she answered rather too anxiously. That would be her only way out of this nightmare of a date.

"Is everything good? Do you need me to get you out of there?" asked the caller.

Ximena faked a loud gasp. "But how? You should have called sooner! I am on my way right now," she lied and began to gather her things.

Logan shot her look of concern. "Is everything alright, love?" he inquired worriedly, buying every bit of Ximena's perfomance. She almost laughed at his reaction.

She mustered a near to tears facial expression. "It seems not, there's an emergency back home. Seems like my younger sister is having one of her famous tantrums and my parents aren't around to subdue her. I must leave right now," her voice wavered for good measure.

Logan began to rise from his seat as well, "Okay, let me escort you-" but she stopped him.

"No, it's okay. My driver is already on the way. Please stay and enjoy the rest of your dinner Logan. But thanks for your concern," she replied politely and turned to leave, very eager to be away from the arrogant man.

"Please keep me posted," he added just before she walked away.

Ximena didn't even bother to dignify him with a response and simply sashayed away as fast as her four inch Jimmy Choos would allow. She grabbed her phone from her bag once again and dialed a number.

"Did it work?" her best friend Chelsea asked humorously.

Ximena laughed. "Like a charm. Thanks for that, by the way. I vow I was going to stab him with my fork just before you called," she murmered as she made her way out of the restaurant with speed. She could not wait to get out of that place despite the brilliant decor.

"Well, good then. I'm glad I saved you from a hefty prison sentence. Was it really that bad? I mean he's really handsome!" she said dreamily, no doubt fantasing about Logan's good looks.

Ximena was about to reply but before she knew it, she had barreled into something hard. When she opened her eyes, her face was launched into her male chest and she inhaled deeply, involuntarily taking in his intoxicating scent. She hadn't noticed that his hands were firmly on her sides, probably saving her from a very embarrasing fall.

She willed herself to look up and was greeted by the most mesmerising green eyes she had seen in her eyes. Even Logan's eyes did not hold a candle to them, and they came with a very gorgeous face too.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice attractively deep and with a light Spanish accent.

She had forgotten about her ability to speak for a few seconds before she replied him. "Umm, y-yeah. I-I'm so sorry, I was kinda distracted," she answered sheepishly, distancing herself from his chest. His hands did linger on her waist for longer than normal before he fully retrieved them.

He offered her a show stopping smile, putting his pearly whites on display. It almost made Ximena collapse onto the floor. "It's quite alright. Better me than the wall right?" he joked and she laughed, nervously. This guy was just so captivating, it had to be illegal. His eyes flashed to something behind her. "If you'll excuse me," he said politely, side stepping her and proceeding into the restaurant.

"Hello? Ximena, are you still there?" a voice emerged, bringing Ximena out of her daze. Had she really been staring after that man.

She brought her phone up to her ear once again. "Yes, I'm here. I bumped into someone," she mumbled as she walked out of the building and onto the sidewalk. Her driver was not yet there which meant she had to wait a little.

"You sound kind of breathless, was he hot?" Chelsea asked, teasingly.

Ximena blushed for some reason. If she was being honest, that guy was the finest male specimen she had ever laid her eyes on. So tall, crazy handsome and-

Her beloved Lamborghini Aventador emerged from the corner and parked in front of her. Daniel, her driver, got out of the car and opened the passenger door for her. "Good evening, senorita Dos Ramos," he pronounced courteously.

Ximena rolled her eyes at his formality and got in the car. "How many times have I told you to call me Ximena," she chided him playfully.

Daniel smiled. "If your father got wind of that, I'd be out of the job," he winked and then closed the door.

"Are you still there!!!" the voice yelled once again and Ximena only then remembered she was currently on a call.

Daniel got into the car and wasted no time in driving away. "Yeah, he was handsome but unfortunately I didn't ask for his name. Plus, I think he was on a date or something which makes him probably taken," she sighed as she buckled up with her free hand. "Thanks for telling Daniel to pick me up by the way."

Chelsea laughed. "No problem. I just hope nobody finds out about this catastrophic date of yours. It just might make headlines..."
"When have I ever cared what simple minded morons who have nothing better to do than gossip think?"

"...Never. I guess you just have to keep perusing through these guys before you find the right one."

Ximena sighed longingly. Her mind drifted back to her disasterous date with the infamous Logan Hunter. She just couldn't believe she had even bothered to give that jerk the time of day. Of course he'd been after her with ulterior motives, but didn't they all? Was she really so repulsive that guys only went out with her because she was the heir to the Dos Ramos industry?

"Yeah, the right one," she said faintly. Did he even exist?

Because I was feeling generous, I added two chapters for you. Anyone notice that Mr Hunter is back 🤣...could be a cameo or he's gonna be causing trouble in here too. He must have moved to Miami after that fiasco with Bryce and Aubrey in New York 🤔🤔🤔.

Anways, enjoy 😘

~ Deetronite

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