Shea's House

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Simon watched Shea's beat up old car pull into his snow covered driveway. The hilly terrain of Massachusetts made the task slightly difficult and Simon giggled despite himself. He wanted to like Shea like he'd liked the boy before, but he just couldn't bear to look at his friend the same way again. Simon tugged his coat closer to his shoulders, and got into the passenger side of Shea's car.

"Hey." Shea smiled lazily.

"Hi." Simon responded awkwardly. The car was warm, and he placed his mitten covered hands up to the vent. "Fall ended quickly." Simon mused, and Shea chuckled.

"Have I really ruined us this much?"

"What do you mean?" Simon asked.

"You're talking about the weather." Shea playfully accused. "We used to talk about real stuff."

"We don't have to talk about the weather." Simon smiled. "What would you like to talk about?"

"How've you been?" Shea smirked, "Are you making it without me?"

"I've been fine. Made a few new friends." Simon's cheeks were rosy from the frosty chill, and Shea yearned to run his hands over the cold skin, and warm the boy up, but stopped himself. A month ago he might have indulged himself, but not anymore, he'd ruined that. No. Asher'd ruined that, and Shea was growing quite bitter with the boy for ruining his exciting move to the big city of Boston.

"Oh." Shea felt replaced by the new friends. Though he repressed that as a selfish thought.

"And you?" Simon asked, "I saw you've been hanging out with Garrett. Have things gone south with Asher?"

"You could say that." Shea away sheepishly. He hoped Simon would never know the way things ended with Asher. "We're here." Shea stated as they pulled into his driveway. "Come on. Garrett'll be here later, but we can discuss.. uh.. what I wanted to talk about the what went down with Asher inside." Shea led Simon inside, grabbed a snack, and then sat down next to him. He was struck with a flashback of Simon laying in his lap as they watched a movie, and he shook the memory from his head.

"So.. about Asher.." Shea began.

"Do we have to talk about Asher?" Simon cut him off. "I'm so sick of everything being about Asher. Could we just go back to how things were before? Like you said in the car. This is weird, Asher's fault or not."

"I'd like that." Shea smiled.

"Good." Simon leaned back on the couch, letting out a sigh of relief. "I'd like for you and me to be you and me, and Asher and me to be Asher and me, and both of you to stop trying to get involved with whatever is going on with the other person."

"I'm sorry."

"You should be." Simon turned and grinned. "It's exhausting trying to deal with all the hormones radiating off of you boys."

"I'll try to be less hormonal." Shea remarked, but he was acutely aware of how Simon was sitting.

"You don't have to. I want you to be yourself around me, I think you both just need to be less possessive." Simon leaned his head on Shea's shoulder, "My brother too. Sometimes I feel like..."


"Like everyone in my life is trying to control me, you know?" Simon ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair. It had been darker over the summer for some reason, but was lighter from the autumn sun. It almost made Shea laugh, though he imagined Simon wasn't much of an outdoor person, especially over the summer.

"Simon." Simon turned his head to meet eyes with Shea, "I'm really sorry. I'll never try to control you again. I promise."

"Thanks Shea." Simon's smile was bright in the dark room.


"Yeah?" Simon stared deeply into Shea's eyes. Shea had blue eyes that sparkled in the flecks of light, dilated in the darkness.

"I really like it when you take charge." The corner of Shea's mouth tilted upward. "I mean really really.."

"I think I like it too."

"And Simon?" Shea reached his hand slowly, and let it rest on Simon's cheek. "There's something I've been wanting to do for a while.. but I think it'd mean more if.. you did it." Shea's lips were inches from Simon's and Simon gasped slightly, letting his mouth part. The two boys sat so closely they could feel each other's hot breath. It was Simon then who lifted his chin, and closed the gap, capturing Shea's lips in his own, and it was Simon who gripped the back of Shea's dark brown hair, and pulled him closer. Shea's longing desire, but Simon who acted on it, and changed the route of their relationship. They were like a river digging into the earth, and creating new paths, now flowing through one another. Simon had never kissed another, nor been kissed by someone, but Shea didn't seem to mind, letting out a frustrated groan as he let Simon kiss him.

After a few moments Shea overpowered Simon, becoming the dominant force in the kiss, taking matters into his own hands. It had felt amazing to be kissed, and he wanted to return the favor to the smaller boy he sat beside. Shea ran his hand under Simon's blue sweater, and felt his soft skin. He prodded with his tongue for entrance into Simon's mouth, and Simon granted it with a quick little gasp, that Shea used to deepen the kiss. Shea put his other hand to Simon's shoulder, and gently pushed the boy flat on the couch, hovering over him, kissing the boy all the while.

"Hey bitches! I brought vodka and Catan!" Garrett's voice called from the kitchen, apparently he'd taken the liberty of entering without knocking. Shea sat up from Simon, hot and huffing with his breath. He wanted to skin Garrett alive for his horrible timing, but he simply looked back down to Simon, stole a chaste final kiss, and walked to the kitchen to greet Garrett. Simon sat there in shock, his messy hair dangling in his eyes, and his skin on fire where Shea had touched him. He was sure this would greatly disrupt his life, but in the moment he didn't really care. In that moment Simon realized he'd spent all his life trying to worry about not disrupting other, not getting in their way, and he'd never once just done what he'd wanted. That day Simon had claimed what he wanted with no remorse, and no prior feeling had ever felt so gratifying.

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